Tuesday, August 16, 2011



What: Blogmeet-type thing.

Who: You and whoever else feels like showing up.

Where: The Broad Ripple Brew Pub.

When: Sunday, August 28th, starting at 3PM and running 'til whenever we get bored or they start putting chairs on tables and making expectant throat-clearing noises.

Why: Well, duh. Because we can.


  1. Would love to be there, but both distance - and the fact that I've got a New Englandy mini blog meet that day - preclude.

    Have fun!

  2. Anyone who can and doesn't is an antisocial bitch who probably shoots a Glock.

  3. Og, I'm antisocial, not a bitch, and yes, I shoot a Glock - so I'll do my best to be there! Miss D. and I have business in Ohio the week before, so we'll see what we can do about getting to Indy for the weekend on the way back.

    You won't believe this, Tam, but the word verification is 'bacen'. A hint for the blogmeet, perhaps?


  4. Peter: I look forward to seeing you there!

    hey, we're gonna need nametags.

  5. I'm in. Is it open that day? Oh, it was Easter that it was closed.

    Hopefully our favorite Secret Flying Squirrel can make it also.

    wv: dercenc- I dercenc a mass of irony in your blog

  6. I'll be there.

    And this time it's been a while since I've been to the Brewpub.

  7. "Anyone who can and doesn't is an antisocial bitch who probably shoots a Glock."
    See, now you're just being mean. ;) I should drive in from NC just to show that I'm not an antisocial bitch (even though I do shoot a Grok).
    wv: courevo, I don't know if that goes good with bacen or not.

  8. I dunno. Longhorn just sent me this link on Facebook, which is kind of like when your dog nudges your foot and looks out the window. I'm up for it . . .

  9. >> ... we're gonna need nametags.

    You mean Peter doesn't look like an ostrich?

  10. Gah... I may have to violate my last flight of the night rule...

  11. I will try to make it for the September/ October Blogmoot - if a gun-free Serial-Blog-Moper is welcome.

    Can't guarentee it, though, due to work pressures.

  12. ...So, Og, you're saying if I don't make it, I'm an antisocial bitch?

    Huh. Calmer Half just casually but swiftly moved for cover. Wonder why.


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