Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Don't miss this opportunity...

Sean at An NC Gun Blog has opened his October 22nd shooting event to his readership. Said shooting event is going to be a one-day, 8-hour Handgun I course with TigerSwan at their home range in Fayetteville, NC. Cost is $210 plus ten bucks for lunch and other incidentals.

I have heard nothing but good stuff about TigerSwan. Were I still living in K-town, I'd be hopping across the mountains for this class without a moment's hesitation.


  1. Would love to go, but I'm full up this Month with ToddG and Aim Fast Shoot Fast in VA next week.

    Got any pointers on what to take or do before I hit the road Tam?

  2. Thanks for the link Tam.

    It's funny, I learned about TigerSwan from you. I read a magazine review that you posted an excerpt of.

    I emailed a friend who was on one of those "Special" Army teams. He vouched for the leadership team as being the real deal, so I took the class 2 years ago. My shooting improved dramatically, and they really don't charge that much.

    Too bad you can't make the trip.

  3. Keads, the class is in October. All the cool kids will be there. Well, all of them except for Tam, cause she's in Indy or something and there are no roads between there and North Carolina. ;)

  4. Larry,

    I'm rubbing my crystal ball to see if I can't make it fiscally possible...

  5. But, but, but, this is in North Kackalacky! You know, that backwards place you always talk about!

    I keeed ;)

  6. Larry- Whoops my bad! I will see if I can make it. Too busy right now getting ready for next week!

    Tam- give up on the crystal ball, try the wallet! I have a kabillion HI points if lodging is a fiscal constraint!

  7. Tam- BTW someone just traversed the wasteland from Winston-Salem NC to the Calumet City IL area. Steel colander was not required and aside from the Beltway around your fair City being worked on, no untoward events were noted. Day trip to boot. Just sayin!

  8. Tam, I can pick you up at the airport and Tom Burdette says he'll leave the light on for you. ;)
    OK youse mugs, hit the tip jar!


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