Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Drill, baby, drill.

Three hours in the chair with Almost-A-Doctor Mandy yesterday. Lots of smoke. And lots more where that came from.

That was my first time with the drill. At one point, Mandy noticed my tummy trembling and pulled the drill out of my mouth "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry," I gasped between giggles "It sounded like a bad robot sound effect from a B-grade sci-fi movie, with all that chirping and squeaking. I was trying to hold still."

"You were laughing? I saw you shaking and thought I was killing you!"

Heading back in this AM so that Almost-A-Doctor Katie can continue with the deep-cleaning. Looking forward to that face-full-of-Novocaine feeling. Not so much the "just-flossed-with-barbed-wire" sensation after the Novocaine wears off.


  1. Two Tylenol before, shot of bourbon and a nap afterwards...

  2. When I was in the Marines we had to go to Navy dentists and they liked to screw with "Big Bad Marines" by not shooting enough novicane for whatever job they were doing. It happened to me when I got my wisdom teeth out. The job ended up being a LOT bigger than they thought because they had to drill the bottom wisdom teeth and then pop them in half with a chisle and take out half at a time because mine were so big. I started laughing when the first one popped (yes it hurt like hell, but I couldn't let a squid see me cry, could I?). One of the dental assistants had to leave (I think he threw up) because he couldn't deal with me laughing when he KNEW that they didn't shoot enough novicane and I had to be feeling it.

    Hell, I got of lucky. They broke a friend of mine's jaw trying to get his wisdom teeth out. Stupid squid dentists.


  3. I was a Marine Reservist getting my pre-deployment check-up 21 years ago.

    Squid Dentist: Wow, nice bridges.

    Me: Don't touch them.

    If they enemy ever wanted to break me for information, they could do it with a dentist.

  4. Good luck! Had that done and it was not fun. +1 on the shot and nap afterwards!

  5. Salt water rinses for the mouth helps bunches.

    Al T.

  6. Reminds me of a line from the 1632 series of books (short summary: town of West Virginians get sent back to Germany during the 30-years war), where a Scot comments about the town dentist; "There's a man who'll never lack for work. Worst comes to worst, the Inquisition would treasure his talents."

  7. Not so much the "just-flossed-with-barbed-wire" sensation after the Novocaine wears off.

    I can sympathise. I had my deviated septum reviated yesterday morning. So, I kinda feel like I flossed with barbed wire too, only I was flossing my sinuses.

    Worst night of "sleep" I can recall last night, too. As you might imagine, my nose isn't passing too much air right now, so every 15 minutes I'd wake up after my mouth had dried out too much to be borne any longer, to take a drink of water. Which, of course, led to hourly trips to the head, too.

    I'm not feeling particularly rested at the moment. Pleh. :(

  8. All The Best, thinking of you today and hope you get along okay...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  9. I hate hate hate going to the dentist. I didn't go to the dentist for 12 years. Last year I went (first time in 12 years).

    He insisted on replacing all my childhood fillings with new plastic fillings. Said that metal amalgam of mercury stuff was no longer approved by FDA.

    No new cavities!

    Thanks doc, see you in 12 years!

  10. Stuart the Viking said..."When I was in the Marines we had to go to Navy dentists and they liked to screw with "Big Bad Marines" by not shooting enough novicane for whatever job they were doing."

    Both my grandfather and my father were in the Navy (WWII and Vietnam). From what they've told me about Navy dentists, it ain't just the Marines they like to torture...

  11. I had an MRI looking for a brain tumor a while back. I had a very hard time staying still because I was laughing at all of the grunts and robotic belches the machine was making.

    I thought they had shoved my head up R2D2's ass.

  12. North,

    Yup! It was very much that, except in this case, it sounded like one of those little robots that are always scurrying down the corridors of movie starships was stuck in my mouth. :)

  13. I hope the work went well this morning and you're recovering quickly.

  14. Pity you don't live on the east coast - my guy is very good about not having lingering soreness following a procedure.

    Or during a procedure, for that matter. Fell asleep in the chair once as he was doing a root canal. Woke to find him and the assistant mentioning that that was a new one...

  15. Can't sleep during dental work, usually feel as though I'm drowning. Now, an MRI, no problem, it seems. Had two sessions back to back, never left the machine. It surprised the techs, they commented that most people can barely stand one session, and no one falls asleep. This was a machine with the small diameter tube, which bothers most people.


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