Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oh, Bastet...

They're dealing with a sick kitty at the Nerd Ranch. Our very best thoughts here at Roseholme Cottage go out to them; we've been there way too often, way too recently. :(


  1. Having lost our cat, George, recently, I can appreciate the situation at the Nerd Ranch. I hope Zydeco gets better soon. I suppose that bringing in a cat covered in blood constitutes a "dire emergency", needing no appointment!

    Ulises from CA

  2. I know exactly how they feel. My guy is 16, and a few years ago when a dog tried to bite his head off, the silly bint at the Vet's office who answered the phone said, "It's Friday, we don't do emergencies."

  3. Oh, and it's "Bubastis", according to at least one character in a Heinlein novel.

  4. Bubastis was a city that was sacred to the goddess Bastet.


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