Monday, August 22, 2011

Overheard in the Kitchen:

Coffee preparation is underway. I start singing, to the tune of the old Folger's jingle...
Me: "The best part of waking up..."

RX: " getting rid of the thundermug."

Me: *uncontrollable fit of giggling*

RX: "I had no idea that 'thundermug' was a triggering word for you."

Me: "It's just one of those funny words. And it's almost as fun to say as 'boomslang'!"

RX: "You really don't want to find a boomslang in your thundermug!"


  1. I think your definition of "Thundermug" is different than mine.

    A "thundermug" in Casa De Weer'd is the Porcelain thing you sit on that makes that loud booming noise as it disposes of "business".

  2. That's it, two mentions in two days and my link to you officially gets changed to
    "books, bikes, and boomslangs"

  3. (Btw, Weerd, the Thundermug or "chamber pot" was originally a porcelean coated steel "mug" or pot that was under a bed, used for nighttime emergencies in the winter when people had outhouses. It has only later become a euphemism for the plumbing-connected throne)

  4. Suggestion: if you ever decide you'd like to do Cowboy Action Shooting, your Alias should be "Boomslang Gaboon". You could have a neck tat of the snakes in question (You can get custom cockamamies made almost anywhere now)

  5. Okay, now I know what a thundermug is. But why would you want to get rid of one? They're terribly useful.

  6. Because Joel...
    In the morning, after they've stood their night watch they're also terribly unpleasant to be near.


  7. OK, it's official. I demand an mp3 of you actually saying "boomslang".

    Because unless you've been around BRM or someone you're bound to get it completely wrong in what would hopefully turn out to be a hillarious way.

  8. I pronounce it just like you're afraid I would. :)

  9. If you put a boomslang in your thundermug it's likely to bite you in the taint, so be warned.

    wv: erfdomp. What J.R.R. Tolkien elves do in the thundermug.


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