Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Overheard in the Office:

RX: "I grew up in a part of the country lousy with artesian wells. It was neat to be walking through a pasture or woodlot and see a horse trough with a pipe next to it and water just bubbling up out of the pipe."

Me: "I grew up in a part of the country lousy with Cartesian wells. You'd walk around and see these pipes spewing mathematical symbols and philosophical arguments into the air."


  1. I live in a part of the country where waiters and bakers talk about the artesian bread they serve or bake.

    I imagine it bursting forth from pipes and flying into the air, with the bakers chasing each loaf with a French basket. And the drillers wondering, as they hear that rumble- Sourdough? Ciabatta? Jewish Rye?

  2. I grew up in a part of the country filled with beer companies that made commercials with bad artesian jokes ...

  3. Y'all don't have enough hobbies, I think.

  4. Mmmm. Jewish rye. Mmmm.

    Damn it, now I'm drooling on the keyboard.

  5. I am wet, there for I am.


  6. Did you step on any sharp points or run into asymptotes back then? Sounds like someone tried to divide by zero.

  7. So, there I was, talking wiith Rene Descartes, and I said, "You know the moon is made of green cheese."

    He replied, "I don't think...", and vanished.

  8. I seen those damned Artesians, leaving little wet footyprints all over the place...

  9. And each Cartesian well had the phrase cogito, ergo respuant carved over their mouth.

  10. Don't drink and derive. Know your limits.

  11. Full frontal nerdity.

  12. Cartesian Dualism was exploded, in one sentence, by a woman, one of Descartes's correspondents.

    I believe she wrote something like, "If the mind and the body are totally separate, and of different species altogether, how does the mind interact with the body and tell it what to do?"

  13. I'm a little bit more familiar with the Archimedes Screw, which involves two consenting adults in a tub.

  14. And we all know that polar bears are just Cartesian bears with different coordinates.


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