Wednesday, August 03, 2011

QotD: There's A Mr. Odoacer To See You Edition

From Mark Steyn at NRO:
The Libyan War never caught the imagination of the American public, even though you’re paying for most of it. But in Tehran and Moscow and Beijing they’re following it. And they regard it as a useful preview of the post-American world. Absent American will, even a tinpot desert drag queen can stand up to the great powers and survive. The lesson of Obama’s half-hearted little war isn’t lost in the chancelleries of America’s enemies.


  1. "Never caught the imagination" - that's because those of us on the right were pointing out how Øbama promised to end wars rather than start them, and the left was too busy trying to pretend that he never said that.

    The media let Libya die pretty quick - but aren't we still supplying arms and logistics to the effort?

  2. And airstrikes. We're still dropping bombs on Libya, but you'd never know it from watching CNN...

  3. Meanwhile, in the Peking Chancellory: AP is now reporting the details of the State-Sponsored CyberWar that has been initiated by the ChiCom Army. This could explain how that Troll was able to sneak in.

  4. And of course, if you watch the liberal news (but I repeat myself), we must be finished in Iraq and Afghanistan, too. Never mind that soldiers are still dying there, that's just right-wing Tea Party propaganda or something.

    wv: worgant - Look, worgs are scary enough, but a worg ant? I don't wanna know.

  5. Well, yea.

    The "Great Powers" aren't. Britain was only barely able to take on Argentina. These days they no longer have the ships and aircraft.

    If the Argies make another go at the Falklands, they will probably keep them.

  6. And they will go for the Falklands since the Obama administration has been calling them the Malvinas Islands.

  7. Fortunately for 'ol Blighty and the Falklanders, Argentina is too busy waring against domestic wealth accumulation to worry about the Falklands.

  8. The Obama administration has done to America what our veterinarian has done to our German Shepherd...

    Now both are wondering what happened to the "pair" they used to have.

    Dann in Ohio

  9. Is there such a thing as neuticles for countries?

  10. @Woodman -

    +1 googleplex!!!!!!!

    wv: hertroll - - really, is any comment needed?

  11. Kind of scary...I had not thought one little bit about this aspect of things...but hey, at least were cracking down on Syria...

  12. In all fairness, those (ahem) minor skirmishes in Manchuria, Ethiopia, and Spain in the '30s didn't "capture the imagination of the American public", either. Ditto various terrorist acts committed against us by al Qaeda during the '90s.

    It usually takes a big slap against the side of Uncle Sam's head to get him to realize that somebody's trying to pick a fight. However, once he declares that "it's on now!", things get ugly, fast.

    O' course, we used to have money to buy things like tanks and planes and ships. Not so much any more.


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