Wednesday, August 31, 2011

That '70s Show.

Well, we have high gas prices, gold is up, the economy's stagnant, and now the president's relatives are getting likkered up in public.

It's a good thing we don't currently have an embassy in Tehran, that's all I'm sayin'. (Although, given the grace with which our current Dear Leader handles Anglo-American relations, we still have a shot at boycotting an Olympics.)


  1. If I was related to Obama then I'd be on harder stuff than booze...

    (I'm not waiting to pounce on your posts. I swear! It's just weird timing.)

  2. Just be thankful you never had to serve in the Military with J.C as your "Commando-in-Chief."

  3. Except that this time it is unlikely that even RR could straighten things out...though as a smart girl once said, given the opportunity "I'd vote for his rotted corpse" in lieu of anything I see right now.

  4. Les, why yes I DO remember SecDef telling military members they could "vote with their feet."

    And his surprise when they did exactly that.

    Jimmah was too busy refereeing squabbles about scheduling of the White House tennis court to deal with something as mundane as a seized embassy.

  5. And don't forget the space station threatening to fall out of the sky.

  6. Yeah, it is sort of starting to feel like 1979 all over again.

    I was really hoping we could avoid that again in my lifetime. I hate déjà vu.

  7. Uncle whatzisname is just polishing his resume before applying to the Indy PD.

  8. Glenn Reynolds has long maintained that a Jimmy Carter rerun is the BEST we can hope for.
    I think we're gonna get a mix of the worst of Carter/Hoover/FDR with a dash of Nixon and a pinch of Buchanan.
    At least the following will hold:
    Carter will no longer be our worst.
    Harding will no longer be the most corrupt.
    Nixon will no longer be the most reviled.

  9. Yep - At least Carter started the de-regulation ball rolling and began building the military back up.

    Read about the corruption Harding was accused of - political pay-offs, hiring friends into federal poss, etc... It's called "business-as-usual" today and wouldn't crack the evening news.

  10. Yeah Harding shrank the size of the Federal Government, which has not happened since.

    The "great" Presidents are the ones who either pass sweeping unconstitutional legislation, fight wars against the will of the American people, or both.

    Word verification: Codsqui

    "New from GenTech it's Codsqui! The flavor of cod, the texture of squid! Look for it in the frozen foods section.

  11. Stretch,

    How about adding that FDR will no longer be the biggest Commie?

    If the shoe fits, right?

  12. Woodrow Wilson no longer the most racist?

  13. So long as we return to women wearing high waisted pants with VPL's, i can cope.

  14. At least Carter...began building the military back up.
    Um, when your Senior Drill Sergeant interrupts your "How to use an absentee ballot" class to tell you that only a commie would vote for "That peanut farmer"--just before the '80 Presidential election--I think it's safe to say it was Too Late for Jimmah...

    WV: ovenet. No thanks, I'll use a mitt...

  15. Britt,

    Don't blame me, I voted for Coolidge.

  16. I'm with Bram, but why stop at racist? I'd call Woodrow Wilson the worst president of the 20th Century (in many ways he was worse than FDR, and he certainly had a hand in causing the Great Depression that put FDR in the White House) and Buchanan the worst overall. Carter was a piker when it came to screwing things up.

  17. Nathan, are you saying that Jimmah wasn't even any good at screwing things up?

    One good thing about Obama as precedent, Jimmy has STFU. With McLame, we'd still have to listen to that senile meddler every day.

  18. Thankfully we don't have the 10+% interest rates we had back then...

  19. The most ironic aspect of the situation to my mind is that he's in the country illegally and was already under a deportation order at the time of the arrest. If that isn't the immigration situation in a nutshell, what is.

  20. Well, given what has been going on in Egypt, I wouldn't want to be on that embassy's staff for love nor money.



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