Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cybernauts II: Electric Boogaloo.

So, back during the 2008 election, in the short breaks he took between burning down nunneries and peeing on Elvis's grave, Barack Obama generated some easy content for bloggers by launching a "crack team of cybernauts" to combat online slurs and rumors, which gave me a whole new category of blog posts.

Now that he's taking a break from presidentin' to do what he loves best, candidate Obama has launched Cybernauts II: Electric Boogaloo, which took only 24 hours to become the laughingstock of the internet.

Say what you will about Bill Clinton, he was never this tone-deaf.


  1. It's hard to tell whether this is incompetence or raw, naked arrogance.

    In any case, he's going to give George HW Bush a run for "tried his damnedest to lose his re-election bid".

    Only the GOP ain't gonna field their own version of Bill Clinton; they're gonna run Bob Dole version 2.0...

  2. I assume you saw that title before it ran down the rabbit hole, to be replaced with this: "Attack Watch, new Obama campaign site to ‘fight smears,’ becomes laughing stock of conservatives." See what they did there?


  3. That's it, Tam. I'm reporting you.


    wv: tamesi: a loose-fitting long-sleeved shirt made of ballistic kevlar and wookie hair

  4. jf,

    Thank you! I feel like I'm somebody now! :)

  5. Do I have to report you and Rannie the Cat in Russian, the original German or in text speak?

    Shootin' Buddy

  6. Slick Willie? One of the best prez of modern time. With a few notable (and failed) exceptions, he kept his hands off, his head down, his other head up, and let the bitter medicine administered during the eighties work its magic.

  7. And yet, the Left refuses to admit that such tactics are just what THEY were bitching about when Nixon generated his "Enemies List."

    Stupid Frackin' Hippies just don't get that what's Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander.

  8. This YouTube video lampooning AttackWatch is pretty good.

    Yeah, I'd say they stepped in it, and pretty deep.

  9. What's interesting is that the Press looks like it's turned. I suspect it's because they see Obama not as a great asset to The Cause, but increasingly as a millstone to it.

    The bias is still there, but the calculus has shifted from net positive to net negative.

    If this is true, then as we get into the election season, the press will become MORE negative on Obama, to give the rest of the Democratic Party room to distance themselves from his sucking chest wound of FAIL.

    If THAT is true, then we'll see just how incompetent Obama really is. It's only the Press that's been holding him up so far; he simply won't know what to do without their support.

    So yeah, we haven't yet seen the depths of his incompetence. Yet.

  10. "It's hard to tell whether this is incompetence or raw, naked arrogance."

    The one is merely an example of the other. For details, consult Barbara Tuchman's "The March Of Folly".

    wv: supedism. Suped is as suped does, I suppose.

  11. well the left just showed the world how dumb and thin skinned they really are. like granpa said yo can't fix stupid!!

  12. Seems to me that getting on the list would be more of a badge of honor than anything else. I'm ready to turn myself in.

  13. We are all STASI now... And Pravda means "Truth" in Obamaspeak.

  14. BobG has a point. Who's going to start printing "Enemy of the Saint" T-shirts?

  15. I tried for over 30 hours to get to "Watch Our Attack Mess Up" - the heck with it. Too bad ib a way, I was thinking of looking for leads to more reading material.

    Or perhaps I can go back to the MSM. No, don't laugh, I first noticed WaPo starting to actually criticise the Administration. Then AP. Not actual attacks yet, but certainly "what the heck is the WH doing?" And then the columnist, a hoper, who saaid that that after wondering if there was an "energy policy" he has concluded there is - destroy. Which surprosed him to realise. Where was he when PotUS was saying so during his campaogn, or since? Oh, wait, he couldn't hear all that over the cries of "Hosannah!"

    And indirectly even the NYT. By now ypu have all seen some of the things in the Palin "bio." Well, the NYTimes review, not even behind a paywall, is interesting -

    A sample, perhaps the most moderate part of the piece (do read the whole thing) -

    'Although most of “The Rogue” is dated, petty and easily available to anyone with Internet access, Mr. McGinniss used his time in Alaska to chase caustic, unsubstantiated gossip about the Palins, often from unnamed sources like “one resident” and “a friend.”'

  16. You know how Barry is so willing to throw pretty much anyone under the bus if they become a political liability? I think that he's right about to find out just how that feels...

  17. How bad have things gotten when I find myself thinking wistful - even fond - thoughts of Slick Willie?

  18. Hey! Did you know Al Gore was having a Jerry Lewis-style marathon Thursday? 24 hours of All Global Warming All the Time. Sure to be a barn-burner. Everybody better tune in.


    Eh? Oh. Really? ::snkr:: What a shame.


    TW: neonho -- That would be that clapped out Snitch Your Neighbor meme.

  19. Saw a joke at the end of Taranto's column a few weeks ago:

    Q: What's the difference between a left wing nut and a right wing nut?
    A: A left wing nut thinks the President is a genius. A right wing nut thinks he's an evil genius.

    There's little I put past the Former Junior Senator from Illinois. I'm no longer surprised by the nonsense issuing from his administration. Disappointed certainly, but no longer surprised.

    If only the Nation can tread water until 2012. I neither expect nor want a Savior; just a grown-up.


  20. I turned in my mother for saying something unkind about Obama.

  21. Interesting and important information. It is really beneficial for us. Thanks

  22. I turned myself in after watching the Attaaaaaaaack Waaaaaaaaatch video on YouTube.

  23. So, we can report people?
    Maybe like Peter Lorre did when the House Committee on Unamerican Activities aske him if he knew any communists in the film industry. He asked them something to the effect of, "How can I tell if they are communists?" The person said, "well, do you know any people you wonder about?"
    A few days later, Mr. Lorre turned in a list naming every person he had met since his arrival from Germany.
    If called upon, I will be forced to do the same.

  24. I suppose we ought to give thanks for small mercies, to wit:

    The Former Junior Senator from Illinois and his gang of Fabians is so ignorant of military matters that they know nothing of Article 88, UCMJ.

    We'd have a purge the likes of which would make Stalin proud if he ever found out about it.


    wv: ingsa (n) - crimethinker Global Village Idiot unbellyfeels ingsa

  25. I love Big Brother. Really. Honest!

  26. Somebody reported that they saw a group of ATM machines beating a bank teller job to death in an alley.

    more of these and I'm signing up.


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