Friday, September 23, 2011

Felicitous Autumnal Equinox!

It is now officially autumn, although any schoolkid could tell you that fall starts on the day after Labor Day.

Outside, it's like they turned summer off with a switch. It's fifty-something and drizzly; the last few days it's been like Gaia was feeling bad about all the rain we didn't get in July and was trying to make up for it all at once.

Maybe we'll get a cantaloupe or two off those plants after all.


  1. Stand by, another wave of summer is rolling in from the Plains.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. It's been mid 90's in the Great Mojave, summer has about 1 more month to go.

  3. "Maybe we'll get a cantaloupe or two"
    Don't bet on it. My carrots are rotting in the ground.

  4. We never got our Summer turned-on this year - until this week when it climbed into the low 90's - and then the morning fog came back and we're back in the mid 70's again....

  5. Hope you harvest the Cantalopes before the ants.

  6. You'll get it one way or the other, Tam. If the weather's right, you get melons. If it's wrong, you get melon-choly.



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