Sunday, September 18, 2011

I can barely keep a straight face...

...when telling this joke:
A black guy, a white guy, a Christian, a Muslim, and a Communist walk into a bar.

The bartender says "What can I get you, Mr. President?"
From my friend staghounds, who barely kept a straight face when telling it himself.


  1. I LOL'd and LOL'd and LOL'd some more!

    So totally stolen.

  2. Stolen and sent to everyone on my mailing list... including my super-liberal sister. I can hear her head explode from her.

  3. Heh. I thought we could throw Irish in there, too?

  4. Oh I gotta steal it too!! :)


  5. Heh,
    I reported your ass to AttackWatch.

  6. What? No 'American' label?


  7. Good Lord, that was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.

    The way I got it was, "The President walks in to a bar and says, 'OW!'

    You'd think he would have seen it."

    I like your version better.

  8. Ah, come on!

    He IS all things to all people!

    He is the Great Uniter!

    Everyone loves him some Obama, wuh, unless you're one of those filthy Teabaggers, or a Rethuglican, or a racist, which is pretty much all the same thing!

    In all seriousness, do any of you think that the wooden stooges who are mounting an attempt at running against Barry have a snowball's chance in Hell of actually beating him, despite Barry being both despised by the ardent Lefties (for not being Commie enough), and in the biggest political hole since Nixon?

    Me neither.

    Time to dig up the Gipper and start CPR.

  9. Notably absent from the list:

    American, (hat tip to Phssthpok)

  10. Hey, irritablearchetect, I'd love to have a Gipper to vote for, but I'd vote for a cactus before I'd vote for Comrade Obama.
    My bumpersticker is AnybodybutBO.

  11. It took me about 25 seconds or so, but then I groaned horribly and Got It.

  12. Today our beige Commie said this:

    "Washington has to live within its means...for us to solve this problem everybody ... has to pay their fair share."

    That's longhand for "From each, to each..."

    This Republic will not survive another round of this, and any alternative could not bode worse.

  13. So, I passed this joke on to some friends and was promptly informed that it is *gasp* offensive!

    I've been trying to think of the right word to describe the obvious misleading intro to the joke (the labels, leaving you to expect a group of people rather than one who fits all the descriptions), but I keep coming up with juxtaposition...and I don't think that's right.

    little help, please?

  14. Yup, me too, Cormac, and I swear it's on the tip of my tongue. If I just drink a little more I'm sure it'll come to me...

  15. @Cormac, Justthisguy

    Is Truism the word you're looking for?

  16. No...I don't think that's the one...

    I'm also getting a bunch of "he considers himself black, so he's not white" and "he's only Muslim by the customs and traditions of his father's people"

    I also heard a "if he was really communist, he'd have dissolved Congress and taken unilateral control"
    ...humans...I swear, sometimes I just don't understand them...

  17. Misdirection or perhaps a misleading premise?

  18. It's possible that I originally read that joke here. If so, I really didn't mean to quote it back at you without the proper reference. Good one, anyway.

  19. It's a joke, dude; it's not like they're copyrighted or anything. :)


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