Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Overheard in the Dining Room:

Roomie is getting ready to go to work...
Me: "Do you need me to fetch you anything while I'm at Target today? Ibuprofin...?"

RX: "Yes, I'm a little low."

Me: "Okay, I'll get a couple bottles while I'm there. I have to go there anyway because I'm out of... of..."

RX: "Greasy lumps of meat?"

Me: "Right! Yes!"

RX: "Huh?"

Me: "'Tabasco Slim Jims'. That's the phrase I was trying to spit out."

RX: "I was just picking random nonsense words, trying to be funny. I guess I know you too well..."


  1. There's some new ones out. Jalapeno (labeled Freakin Hot) and Habanero (labeled Really Freakin Hot). Both are pretty good, and kinda hot.

  2. Meatsnacks, everyone has a fave. Some of us just have more plebeian.
    Ever try potted meat and crackers, goes well with Pepsi

  3. Stopper eating those while here in Iraq. A co-worker dropped one on the ground near the sidewalk, the starving iraqi dogs won't eat it, the cats would not touch it, even the ants walked around it. After laying there for 2 weeks, I tossed it in the dumptster. It had be laying there in the sun for 2 weeks and it looked the same as a "fresh" one. No way I'm eating those again.

  4. Anonymous said...

    Stopper eating those while here in Iraq. A co-worker dropped one on the ground near the sidewalk, the starving iraqi dogs won't eat it, the cats would not touch it, even the ants walked around it. After laying there for 2 weeks, I tossed it in the dumptster. It had be laying there in the sun for 2 weeks and it looked the same as a "fresh" one. No way I'm eating those again.


    You dare speak against the most delectable of snacks!!!!!

    They are such meaty goodness that my 8 daughter procured a bulk pack to honor me on Father's Day.

    It was the third happiest day day of my life,

    Following her birth in first

    and at five years old when she declared with much consternation while watching Return of the Jedi for the first time,

    "Dad, why did they let the teddy-bears drive the tanks, that was a really dumb idea."

    Thou shall not besmirch slimmest of Jims!!

  5. And the most awesome thing is you can chew them forever and ever and tehy don't go away!

  6. Are you sure that you and Rx aren't related? W/O any doubt you are ideal roomates.

  7. Edibility is not always a necessity. I have eaten many things that werent strictly speaking food.

  8. Tabasco cheez-its! Try em yet? There my favoritest :-)

  9. I always carry meat snacks and peanut butter crackers with me when I'm walking in the pine and palmetto of north Florida.
    It seems that whitetails kind of like peanut butter crackers.

  10. Ah, the glories of snackable meats.

    Anon 10:27 -- a little Google proves that Twinkies have a 30-year lifespan (although the test was performed in a climate-controlled indoor environment).

  11. I dunno, but sometimes you two scare me...

  12. Too bad she didn't use big lumps of meat. Then you could have worked in a Pratchett reference.

  13. I hate it when I'm trying to be funny and my jokes fall flat.

  14. "Greasy lumps of meat" aka Breakfast!


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