Friday, September 09, 2011

Overheard in the Office:

RX: "That book you were reading the other day? About the Black Death?"

Me: "The Great Mortality?"

RX: "Yes, that one. May I read it?"

Me: "Sure!"

*heads up to my attic eyrie*

*am gone for quite some time*

*finally come back into office and lay book on roomie's desk*

RX: "Oh, you're back! I didn't mean for you to have to dig it out or anything..."

Me: "I didn't; it was right on top of a stack where I left it."

RX: "Well, you were gone for a while, and I thought you were having to search for it."

Me: "I was in a big room filled to the ceiling with books. How ever could I have gotten distracted?"


  1. Try being an employee in a Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Comic Book Store, AND getting the "At Cost" discount. "Food? Who needs Food?"

  2. Another good book on the plague.

  3. Tam, have you read Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World?

    I dug on it, but then I dig on Temujin. It's kind of a reminder that the New World Order should more properly be styled NWO 2.0 (at least). The world trade facilitated by the Mongol Empire made it a lot easier for those Genoese trading vessels to bring the plague to Europe, and the mass die-off of Europeans pretty much put paid to the feudal system.

    As far as that goes, I seem to remember reading an afterword to Herbert's The White Plague about how easy it would be to reintroduce the Black Death (if you could weaponize it into an aerosol) into the modern world, but maybe I'm just hallucinifying again.

  4. This is why it takes so long for me to pack to move and unpack afterwards; I have to stop and re-read books and comics and make sure nothing was changed since the last time I read them.

  5. Good thing it wasn't a big room floor to ceiling with guns. You might still be in there...

  6. Yes, you are smarter and more better edumacated than everyone around you. That gives you the right to bitch and complain about everyone/everything under the sun... Did I say that out loud?


    Dude, relax.

  8. Anon 1:21,

    "Yes, you are smarter and more better edumacated than everyone around you."

    Don't forget "witty and charming enough to have a bunch of space rent-free in your head."

    Keep readin'! Love ya! :)

  9. I well understand the ptoblem. One of the main reasons I do not spend more time in the local libraries is that the chairs are mostly quite uncomfortable - mayhap by design?

  10. This blog should be renamed to "I wish I was Ann Coulter"

  11. I was thinking of you while reading about the Vikings, they were another kind of plague altogether.

  12. I'm puzzled why this nice little posting became troll bait?

  13. In my dreams I am in a big room filled with books to the ceiling, my books, all mine. Yes, my pretties, come to me and open yourselves without reservation. The hell with the rest of the world and its petty problems. Then I wake up, sob a little, and go to work. Sigh.

    Hey, anon @ 1:51- bite... oh, nevermind, not worth it.

  14. I thought the, "I Wish I was (as FaBuLOUS! as) Ann Coulter" was the gay ex-Democrats blog HillBuzz? - or did I get the wrong memo??

  15. To reach the pure biblio-nirvan state you start adding additions to your home to make room for the books.dualst

  16. This is one of the reasons I flunked out of college. It took me a while to realize that those people who told me to study in the library did not know what they were talking about, or were a bunch of incurious nose-grinders.

    Say, did y'all know that the Ga. Tech library has a copy of Burgess's "Airship Design", with instructions on how to use an inverted scale model full of water as an analog computer?


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