Friday, September 02, 2011

QotD: Uncle Badtouch Edition.

In response to the inane use of the term "federal family" for .gov agencies, Jennifer cracks back with:
So if I ever choose to fly again, I shouldn’t worry about being probed by some degenerate government thug, I should just think of it like a visit to Uncle Pervy’s secret closet?
It's a good thing I'd just swallowed my soda when I read that, or things could have got all messy.


  1. When I first saw that phrase, my first thought was "Family? You mean as in Gambino?"

  2. Ha! Glad you liked that one. And that your keyboard and monitor were spared.

  3. With all due respect, I was thinking of the Addams Family: NSA guy John Brennan as Lurch, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney as Cousin It, the IRS as Thing, .....

  4. One of the reasons Shirley Temple (Black) carries a piece, to this very day, is because of an encounter she had with a nekkid movie producer when she was a little kid.

    Fortunately, the producer was so absurd-looking when nekkid that Shirley could not stop laughing while he ran away in shame.

    Later, she decided that laughter might not be sufficient.


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