Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Silly Season gets sillier...

So yesterday, Mitt Romney, who is a New York newsroom liberal's idea of what a conservative Republican should be like, gained the support of all three dozen loyal backers of Tim Pawlenty. This should, theoretically at least, give Romney a base in the potent GOP machinery of those noted Red State strongholds, Massachusetts and Minnesota, which between them muster almost enough registered Republican voters to fill a smallish Ramada conference room.

The media promptly wet itself a little bit with joy, since an Obama/Romney race in November of next year would be their dream situation, being, as it were, a sort of de facto second Democrat primary.


  1. Silly Season?
    Teh Stupid Season!

    Find myself wanting to tune it all out with disillusioned disgust. But like any other catastrophe, I can't help but slow down to rubberneck, and join the gapers block watching the slow-motion implosion of Western Civilization.

  2. Could be worse. I remember four years ago the media were wetting themselves over the idea of a Clinton/Bloomberg/Giuliani three way race.

    At least it's a good litmus test to detect the most authoritarian, collectivist, ivory tower dwelling types since the speaking for power fourth estate always favors those types so blatantly...

  3. Hey! I'm a Mass Republican! I resent the implication that there aren't enough of us to fill a good size ballroom... Then again, that doesn't mean its not true...

    Just a voice in the wilderness that is Mass...

  4. Ron Paul in the primary, and see whether the nominee is worth the candle. McCain wasn't, but I voted for "our" big-government Republicrat over "their" big-government Demopublican anyway.

  5. Reminding me how slothful I've been lately in reporting on the state of the Iowans -- we select few who think we decide who gets to run for president.

    I'll get back to it, but the aspirants' ability to trigger my giveadamner is no better than it ever was. The good Doctor Paul is excepted, of course, as Governor Johnson would be if he'd get off his bicycle long enough to campaign.

    Michele is back hoping to salvage her Campaign Titanic by dredging the corn fields. She even tailgated the Iowa/Iowa State game. Her shirt sported both school logos, and if that isn't everything you need to know about her I don't know what is.

    More to your point, I tend to think we'll sugar Mitt's gas tank caucus night. Even if Mormons are holy enough for us, they're wrong-way holy. That's worse than being Obama Lite.

  6. And Pelinty wonders why no one wanted to vote for him.

  7. (yawn)

    Please, don't wake me up until sometime in 2015.

  8. Sigh.....
    I think 3 dozen is a bit much...maybe 2..

    And to think I supported Timmay when he was my Guv...But now we have Dayton...


  9. LONG way to go. Besides, "....maybe the Horse will learn to Sing."

  10. Palin.

    Get used to it, Democrat bitches. She is using Reagan's playbook, including the late nomination entry.

    The MSM is about to get poleaxed like a stunned OX, again. No amount of CNN pimping is going to get socialized medicine and AWB signer Romney into the nomination.

  11. Actually, now that I think about it, Pawlenty just put in his Application to be RINO Romney's Veep. Nothing Sadder than an out-of-work RINO living in Liberal Land. Lefties hate him, the Right doesn't trust him, how's a poor Politician supposed to feed his Family now that the Tax Payer Funded Paychecks have dried up? It's not like he's a Kennedy, nor does he have the Clinton Shakedown Group to "give' him a Free Mansion.

  12. In other words, exactly like 2008.

  13. Not voting for Romney. Will vote third party if he's the candidate. If the Republican Party can't find a conservative candidate, then they deserve to lose.

  14. No way Romney gets it. There's no do-overs on the 2nd Amendment. He voted for the AWB, and has said he'd vote for it again.


  15. Tam certainly hit that nail on the head and drove it clean into the wood without even using a countersink. Thanks!


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