Thursday, September 01, 2011

Tab Clearing...


  1. RE: the Libyan Insurrection- Don't think it would have gotten as far as it did w/o the U.S./NATO changing the ROE and providing Close Air Support. In fact, it probably would've failed if there was no Air Cover. So, as an example of a Self-Sustaining Insurrection, (a la Chairman Mao's post WW2 takeover of China), I wouldn't use Libya. (Yes, I know Stalin helped Mao, but there was very little in terms of Air Cover coming from the Red Air Force).

    But it does have a great deal of common with the American Revolution, especially when the "Cheese-Eating Monkeys of France" sent their Navy to aid us.

  2. I thought the coolest video of the week was this...

  3. Department of Redundancy Department.

  4. Bureau of Nutrition=check, Health=check, Health and Nutrition co-joined=check...but Transportation Services - WTF??

  5. As I watched your video of the week... I ponder... I think the government really may have underestimated the people... If we ever put our mind to it...

    Dann in Ohio

  6. Speaking of tab clearing... Looks like Caleb is giving Robert the love...

    Gee, you create your own black list controversy, and then drive up your blog hits in the process, then go, "LOOK AT ME, I'M MORE POPULAR THAN GUNS AND AMMO!"

    Dann in Ohio

  7. By coincidence, WSJ has an interesting article about Waffle House's "disaster preparedness". Seems that the humble Waffle House is one of the best companies in America for disaster response; after Katrina, they made this a corporate objective. It's paid off.

    The company fully embraced its post-disaster business strategy after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Seven of its restaurants were destroyed and 100 more shut down, but those that reopened quickly were swamped with customers.

    The company decided to beef up its crisis-management processes. Senior executives developed a manual for opening after a disaster, bulked up on portable generators, bought a mobile command center and gave employees key fobs with emergency contacts.

  8. No Waffle House in PRK. Yet another reason to hate California.


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