Wednesday, September 14, 2011

That was weird.

I dreamed I went out on the range at Coal Creek Armory to shoot my CCW pistol, and when I'd set up the target and drew my pistol, I was rewarded with a *click* instead of a *BANG!*.

When I checked, there wasn't a round in the chamber. This bugged Dream Me because the last thing I do when I holster up in the morning is check the chamber on the piece to make sure that the cartridge fairy hasn't come in the middle of the night and made off with the round up the pipe.

I've never had this particular dream before. Strange.


  1. I used to dream that I'd draw and fire, and the pistol would fall apart in my hands.

  2. I was talking to a friend at the store yesterday. She said she had a dream that she was chasing a child kidnapper with another deputy and they cornered the perp in an alley. Her partner could not get his pistol out of the holster and hers would not fire.

    Must be the full moon.


  3. I have had similar dreams, but I haven't had one for about four years. In mine, it usually involves needing to fire my weapon to defend my life, and it fails to fire.

    I am sure that psychologists would have a field day with these sorts of dreams.

  4. I was at a qualification range and watched as a Reserve Sergeant First Class miss 19 of the first 20 targets in a popup series because her rifle wouldn't fire. The reason? She forgot to properly charge the rifle, and also forgot the "P" and "O" portion of SPORTS. Acted like it was the gun's fault after it was all over.

    Sadly, this was not a dream. It happened Saturday, 10 September at Ft. McCoy, WI, on Range 31, Lane 16.


  5. "I am sure that psychologists would have a field day with these sorts of dreams."

    That's like throwing a softball pitch at Mark McGuire. It's all about the penis dontchaknow.

  6. Anon,
    You just reminded me of a dream I had a week ago.

    At a park with the kids, when someone runs up and grabs my 7 yo daughter and begins to run away.

    I grabbed my 2 yo and run after him, realizing that hes running faster than I can, I drew my 45 and started firing at his legs while running. I could see blood and bits of person flying off his legs, but he kept running and getting farther away from me. After about 4-6 hits on his legs thinking to myself, "Can I risk trying to hit him somewhere else?" and "What if I dont risk it?" when I woke up.

    Still no answer to those questions, but I doubt many people could run that fast carrying a 7 yo after having chunks blown outta there legs...

    Still didnt go back to sleep for a few hours after that one.

    What I love about the oddity of dreams is that while the scenario is so fresh in my mind, I could see my screaming child over his left shoulder, know the park we were at, and many minor details of the scenario, I couldn't tell you a single distinguishing characteristic of the person who grabbed her.

  7. Plan on taking a class with some ex-IDF personnel soon? They stress "Chamber Empty, Full Mag" over there, you know.

  8. My gun failure dreams usually involve a trigger that wont pull back even though the safety is off.
    This usually happens just before the perp, animal, werewolf (thanks Larry) charges and I wake up in a cold sweat.
    First Mercury was in retrograde now a full moon. Can't get a break.

  9. What caliber for a Cartridge Fairy?

  10. My dreams along these lines have always been shooting and having no effect...I was never clear if it was just missing, or impervious dream-thugs. Funny...haven't had one of those since a class boosted my confidence enough to know that I can hit targets when I need to.

  11. I'm wary of the Cartridge Fairy also.

    Fortunately, my dreams are no longer crazy, so the shootouts (or non shootouts - my guns never would fire) have been getting fewer and fewer. Damned if I didn't have some wild dreams years ago: fighting Apache warriors in a shoulder-wide miles-long hallway; fighting ninjas in supermarkets and schools; I even had one dream where I was mauled to death by a grizzly bear while my dad stood next to me and laughed. Weird.

  12. Your subconscious is setting you up for an unable to defend yourself bad dream.

    This one is a test the waters dream.

    Have none of it. Next time this happens in a dream, decide to glare at the target and make it burst into flames.

  13. My use of the SW 625 w/ full moon clips makes a missing first cartrige unlikely, and corrected by a second pull of the trigger.

    I am very careful about raised primers.

    It is interesting to load up a single cylinder with .45 ACP, .45 GAP, and .45 AutoRim, but I use half moon clips when I do that.

  14. And .45 Auto Rim is a fitting round to use on the Cartridge Fairy.

  15. I wouldn't be too worried.

    Seems that dreaming of Premature Ejection would be not that unusual.

  16. Dreams where one can not fire or the bullets just sort of roll out of the end of the barrel or bounce off the bad guy are usually anxiety related. Usualy brought on by a new undertaking, such as starting a new job, and the feelings of inanequacy or fear of failure that are a part of human nature. The more competitive one's nature the more of these goblins will be lurking on the subconscious.

  17. I don't tend to have the gun-not-firing dream, I tend more towards the textbook-good-shoot dream where everyone seems is mad at ME (often including criminal prosecution) for shooting the badguy who was . The blank can be anything from committing armed robbery (and shooting people) to shooting little kids in the park. It's always something bad, and always something that I would think anyone would agree was a valid reason to shoot.


  18. you immediately checked your carry piece when you woke up, right?

  19. Tam,

    You have internalized the impact of President Obama's Early September 2011 Jobs Speech (I through the date in as a bit of snark, for those that read this after he has made the next three, and since it might be confused with the last few). He fired blanks.

    You got to the familiar firing line, did all the required preparation, and expected a satisfying result. Just like turning on the TV to watch the President launch a solution to a national dilemma that President Obama happened to create -- only finding out that there was no round in the chamber.

    Your dream placed your disillusion in your hands, and turned the disappointment into a very real concern over whether you had dismissed or forgotten and important and considered safety procedure.

    The rising "What did I do wrong? How could this happen to me?" feeling is still left over from the non-antics of President Zero.

    Or, you could be getting old and worry about safety and forgetting important stuff. Quick -- what was Kenny Rogers' song titled that described "Amy Johnson was Grady's wife; she bore his children and she graced his life." OK, then, so you're not getting old, if that was before your time. . .

  20. You have done something that tells your sub-consience that there is a risk. I got those dreams when I not routinely carry. I would start carrying again and the dreams wopuld go away. re-evaluate your security, something is off. Maybe a new threat you have ignored.

  21. I would agree that the dream indicates a certain anxiety. Have you considered carrying a backup gun?

  22. I've only had two dreams involving gunplay. One was the standard 30 ton trigger-pull and multiple dead primer sort.

    The other was a detailed post-apocalypse deal where I was pulling rearguard for a bunch of refugees in a ruined highrise. I had a full-auto AK pistol, and the person trying to kill me was a friend I hadn't seen since college who was able to dodge most of the shots as we went into Bullet Time. Finally managed to drop her when she was a few feet away.

    VW: maversim. Now you can relive the 2008 election on your PC!

  23. Mine is always NOT having the right ammo... sigh


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