Monday, October 17, 2011

I must be sick.

I have got a serious mojo working for Campbell's chicken noodle soup. I just had one can and that barely took the edge off. I think I'll go heat up another.

The cats are confused. A mommy has gotten up out of bed and is puttering around the house, and yet no cat food has been forthcoming. Doesn't the feeding of the cats happen when a mommy wakes up? Huck is clearly puzzled, while Rannie has taken to sitting upright in the geometric center of the room and staring daggers at my back in the hopes that this will somehow induce food production.


  1. This is definitely part of feline culture.

  2. Heh.

    Reminds me of "Simon's Cat".

  3. You're enjoying Campbell's chicken noodle soup? You must be sicker than you thought.

  4. Growing up our elixir of choice was mrs Grass noodle soup.

    It still tastes like sick to me.

  5. Feel better soon and the kittehs will make wonderful nurse nancy's.

  6. Maybe you are just low on sodium.

  7. Feeding the cats will make you feel better.

  8. Stretch,

    I did. And a whole ten minutes early, too. Spoiled little beasties. ;)

  9. Iffen one does not have a can of Campbell's Chicken Poodle Goop (I worked on an egg farm once, learned where those birds go when they're not laying anymore...) Hot & Sour Soup from local Chinese place is also good for feeding fevers/starving colds.

  10. Mine sit outside the bathroom door, so that when I exit after my morning shower I have no excuse for not seeing them in their pitiful, unfed, state.

  11. Within reason, I always listen to my cravings. If I develop cravings for certain foods (chicken noodle soup for example) then I eat those things.

    I figure some cravings are your body's way of saying I need 'something'. Or that certain chemicals are out of balance in my system. So if I suddenly start craving bananas, or corn, or cantalope, I indulge that craving until it goes away.

    If I start craving things like donuts, chocolate, JD and coke, etc I will cater to that craving - a little, but not until satiated.

    The trick is to learn which cravings to indulge and which to humor with just a little self indulgence.

    Now I have never craved Campbell's chicken noodle soup, I did have a wild craving a while back for Dinty Moore Beef Stew. I loved that stuff as a kid. As an adult - not so much anymore. Fortunately the craving died after about half a can.

  12. What else does a cat have to do all day?

    Eat and sleep.

    You are interfering with one of their two main forms of entertainment.

  13. My chihuahuas do the happy dance when I get home from work, then sit down and STARE. For treats. They do the same thing when I get up. It must be some type of domestic pet mind control.

  14. You poor lamb. I hope you don't have as evil a case of the crud as I've been grappling with. I recommend loads of garlic in that chicken soup, btw. Hope you're well on the mend already.

  15. Phlegmmie,

    Yeah, I reckon one of us is probably the other's Patient Zero. ;)

    "Flu-like symptoms: What all the fashionable kids are rocking this fall!" :D

  16. All the cool kids is doing it! Well, we had to get it before leaving Blogorado, because aepilotjim has it, too. has been miserable.


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