Sunday, October 23, 2011

Overheard in Roomie's Bedroom:

I'm sitting in the office, typing away. Roomie is in the hallway bathroom getting ready to leave. The TeeWee in her room down the hall is running, tuned to Meet The Press, but the volume is low enough that I can't hear it from where I sit...
TV: *mumblemumblemumble*

RX: "What? That man is talking sense! You can't have that on TV! Who is that?"

TV: *mumblemurmurmumble*

[sound of Roomie walking down the hall to her bedroom]

RX: "Oh, duh. It's Ron Paul."


  1. Hey Tam,

    It was a pleasure to almost/kinda meet you today, hope we'll have more of a chance to talk at the next one.

  2. Is Ron Paul getting saner, or is the world getting crazier?

  3. Ron Paul always talks more sense that the rest (except Gary Johnson), until he stops talking sense. Then...

  4. Yeah, that's right. Like the crazy uncle we keep locked up in the attic, isn't that what everyone says about Ron Paul? All that crazy talk about how going into Iraq is like the worst idea ever, in the history of worst ideas. All that crazy talk about how exporting manufacturing to China while borrowing from China to meet our bills is, if not the worst idea in the history of worst ideas, ever, at least a bad idea. Crazy Uncle Ron! Thank goodness our Very Serious Thinkers have pushed CRAZY UNCLE RON to the sidelines, while keeping a sane, sober, responsible Very Serious Thinker like John "We Are All Georgians Now" McCain in the center of the limelight. Man. Crazy uncle Ron! Can you believe how crazy he is? That man's crazy. I'm just saying. Crazy Uncle Ron, with his bowcaster. I mean, how crazy is that?

  5. Lewis,

    I threw cash money in the donation pots of the Libertarians, the Indiana Tea Party, and (what the heck, I like Don Quixotes, even if I don't agree with them on everything) the Constitution Party at the gun show this past weekend.

    Match me? Five bucks each, except ten to the L's. (Also, ten to Rich Mourdock because Dick Lugar delenda est.) I'm pretty sure they take cards or PayPal over the 'net.

    *shakes bowcaster and squeezes talking wookie doll*

  6. That interview was quite amazing. You can tell that Ron Paul is so far outside of "the establishment" that poor Gregory could barely comprehend what Paul was saying. I had the feeling that Gregory was thinking to himself "I've always been told that would be bad," every time Paul mentioned cutting or correcting something. All the while not realizing that really Paul is speaking harsh realities and by extension the truth. The whole talk they had about real estate markets and Paul talking about the necessary “corrections,” was my favorite part. You could tell that Gregory just could not comprehend that Paul believed that it would be beneficial to “crash” the real estate market. But I thought that Paul did a better job than normal explaining his position. He always makes sense to those who believe the same, but never fully explains his position to an extent that he doesn't come off sounding crazy to non-believers.

  7. Tam:

    Only politician I've donated actual cash money to is Ron Paul. When I was younger (and even stupider!) I made the occasional donation to the state GOP fund, but I kicked in $500 to Ron Paul last time around, and the same this time. He's MY crazy uncle, damn it!

  8. I voted for Ron the first time he ran for President, as a Libertarian. That was way back when. But then, I'm a bit strange, too. You know that online AQ test...


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