Sunday, October 16, 2011

They take a bow, they know their place...

So, we've got some protesters in the streets who don't like The Man keepin' 'em down.

They're supported by organized unions. They're largely pretty white. Some are avowed socialists. And there's a creepy undercurrent of Jew-blamery going on.

I see that Chris Muir has beaten me to the Godwining, though.

Now we just need the speechifying veteran and a good beer hall in which to hold a political rally.


  1. Funny, I was just declaiming to my wife this morning that I'm armed because I'm Jewish.

    Ain't no brown-shirted SOB gonna march Mrs. Brindle's son to the Konzentrationslager like they did my great-aunts and great-uncles and their whole families back in the old country. Leastaways not without a fight.

  2. Wow! A Communist Nazi Movement! Or is this a Nazi Communist Movement? Wonder what the Anointed One is going to say when these Occupyers start babbling about the "Mixing of the Races", hmmm? Well, one IS known by the Company one keeps, right? Barry must be saying, "Hey, with Friends like these and I have to win Florida...."

  3. Les,

    Why would they "start babbling about the mixing of the races"? Srsly? WTF, over?

    You will see a subset of them protest the US government's support of the Palestinian holocaust.

  4. The real Nazis are all excited by the fact that a mostly white crowd of kids are blaming jews for everything.

    They have gotten the endorsement they apparently covet.

  5. I had a pet Nazi on my blog once; it doesn't necessarily mean anything. (Although it is funny! :D )

  6. Good post, and Chris did pretty much nail it :-)

  7. I remember Nietchze Boi.

    Didn't he have a net shrine to you you as well, complete with that firing line bikini photo?

  8. I can't find anything that's real, but history repeats itself...

  9. And yea, Rep. Ron Paul had the same problem with unwanted support once he started making anti-zionist comments.

  10. I can always count on perlhaqr to catch obscure lyrical references. ;)

  11. Thanks for the post of the toon, O Tammish One®!


  12. Anti-semitism is like roaches--always there but they usually only come out when it's dark.

    (And to be fair, I think at least one of those signs is merely being tone deaf: Yom Kippur was after all just a week ago, and the penitential season actually lasts until Wednesday, so a topical calendar reference is not really out of place. There's probably a less than trivial chance, in fact, that that sign carrier was Jewish.)

    Meanwhile, a totally different slant (h/t to another of you readers)

  13. Tam, clarification time. When the "Occupiers" are being caught on vid screaming about the "Jewish Bankers," that tells me that a few of THEM are just Nazis in Disguise. And Nazi Racism is well documented. Yet there are Commie Flags and Che shirts on all kinds of People in the background. But since Obama came out last week and gave Tacit Support to the "Occupy" Movement, he should be regretting that support, because his Parents and Ancestors don't fall into that Stupid, Unscientific Venal "Aryan Purity" Crap that Nazis believe in.

    Personally, I don't give a Rat's Behind on what part of the Gene Pool one comes from, not do I believe in any of that "Racial Purity" nonsense. Nor any of the other Prejudices that are floating around out there, such as the Anti-LGBT, Women, African-American, Hispanic, Asian, etc. silliness. I just find it Ironic that this "99%" crowd has uncovered a few of THEIR side's "Haters" (like that guy who Robb posted at his site about "killing some White Kids and we'll get in line"), and that Obama, Politically, is with them.

    But that doesn't mean the Right isn't being Stupid, also. Herman Cain not only wants the Southern Border Fence, but he wants it Electrified? That'll win a lot of Hispanic Votes next year, I'm sure.

    Bottom line for me is this: When ANY group starts to throw the "Race Card" or other Prejudices into a Political Situation, that tells me that any Legitimacy they had with me goes out the Window.

    Which makes Voting nowadays really Suck. Even Heinlein's guide "there's always someone you can Vote against" can't help when I'm against everyone on the Ballot, and there's no "None of the Above." Hope this helps.

  14. DayByDay deseres an Accuracy In Media award...

  15. Once the anti-Semitism came out, I lost what sympathy I had left for the Occupy[place] crowds. Yes, the Feds need to quit feeding pet companies, yes, we need to get Wall Street money (and a whole pot-load of other industries' funds) out of politics, yes, I can't find a job in my field either. But once the "deport Jewish Zionist bankers" and such appears, leave me out of your 99%.


  16. And, just to make it even more fun, a friend accused me of 'spreading lies' about this movement because I pointed out this Jew-hating and socialist/commie crap.

    It's all propaganda from those right-wing sites that control my mind, y'see.

  17. I don't think these nut jobs, even with financial support will reach critical mass to bring what they apparently want, this time.

    However, long term, if values, honor, character, and actual logic are not brought back into our educational industry, the next time might be more successful.

    History has shown that the truth doesn't always prevail.

  18. I think this is kinda funny ( as in ha-ha), seeing as how that the left is famously more Jewish demographically than are the general run of Americans.

    I'll have to take a look at jewamongyou's blog and see what he thinks about this. He says what he thinks.

    I mean, you gotta admire a guy who does a photo post about the magnificence of the Jewish nose, and also comments on White Nationalist blogs.

  19. Les,

    Just because someone starts ranting about the "Jew Menace" does not automatically make them a Nazi - pogroms have been committed by many groups across history. Who knows, maybe they're descendants of the Cossacks responsible for Chmielnicki - and as Ukrainian, they are about as anti-Nazi as you could wish. (After all, the whole Aryan thing means that they, as Slavs, are to be sent to the gas chambers too...)

    It's still wrong, but you can't pigeonhole that easily.

  20. I read a book recently (Der Fuhrer by Konrad Heiden) wherein he observed that young Wiemar era German men would one day happily Zieg their Heils in the streets under National Socialist banners, and the next week replace the Nazi posters plastered across their walls with Communist ones...And then back again. Back and forth, depending on which way they perceived the winds of hope and revolutionary change blew.

    Heiden went on to document that there was hardly a hair's breadth of real difference between the stated goals and animus of Nazis and Commie street theatrics. They were both scraping and fighting to claim the energies of the same demographic - Useful idiots with chips on their shoulders, no practical experience, and a burning desire to be a cog in the wheel of some grand movement that promised them a free lunch.

    ...And the band plays on.

  21. I believe Goebbels thought as much, as far as I could tell from Irving's biography of him.

  22. While the "Nazis" always pointed out the representation of "jews" in the Bolshevik movement, the reality is that the hardcore Left has always had a sizeable anti-semitic component.

    A component that has been made more "socially acceptable" among the rabid Left with the Arab-Israeli conflict and the dalliance between the Soviet Union and those elements in the Palestinian movement that they thought they could use. While the reasons for the alliance have largely disappeared with the submergence of the socialist versions of the PLO, the alliance lives on out of nihilism if nothing else.

  23. It's sure to happen...which creeps me right the eff out.

  24. Y'know, if Rick Perry or Allan West want to tap a keg around here, I'll gladly go have a couple while they speechify. Just sayin'...


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