Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Audience Participation.

  • If you are an Indianapolis resident and would like to take part in today's electoral festivities, here's a handy link to the official voter information website. Roomie has links to some wookie-approved candidates.

  • If you are a Hoosier and do not belong to our state rifle & pistol association, why not? Operating on a shoestring budget, with a membership that wouldn't fill a high school stadium and three volunteer part-time lobbyists, they went six-for-six at the statehouse this past session, and they're already gearing up for next season. Imagine what they could do with real resources.


  1. Concur, join your local association! They DO work wonders for all of us...

  2. I love the ISRPA guys, but they did have some help at the statehouse. NRA actually has boots (well, high heels in this case) on the ground during a huge chunk of the Indiana legislative session.

  3. Many flags against the enemy!

    Shootin' Buddy


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