Monday, November 28, 2011

Day of Future Past.

Cyber Monday!

Boy, I bet you people can't wait until you get to work so you can use the office internet connection and shop online! Oh, sure, sure, some of y'all have AOL accounts at home, but who wants to wait for the homepage to load at 28.8k, right?

I can't believe they're still trying to breathe life into this turkey, as it's as dated as a pair of parachute pants.


  1. I'm sorry, I did not read this post all the way through as I was busy ordering parachute pants on my smart phone.

  2. I've noticed that among reporters, MBA's, politicians, and bureaucrats, heavy use of the prefix "cyber-" is inversely correlated with actual knowledge of IT issues and network infrastructure. "Cyberbuzzwords" are a pretty good marker for empty hype.

  3. You can even see Cyber Monday from space!


  4. Well, if what I saw driving past a mall yesterday was any indication, I don't think there'll be that much buying today, on- or offline, as they're hyping.

  5. Midway had some 1911 mags I like on super-duper-sale, but when I rubbed the sleep outta my eyes out here on the Coast they'd all already been bought-up by some clever and earlier-rising Midwesterners.
    Christmas: if I don't already have it to re-gift, I'm sure as hell not shopping for it. I'm going into my closet for some old Hawaiian shirts for the Nephews this year.

  6. It's not even Black Friday or Cyber Monday any more. Starting about Wednesday, my inbox was inundated with, "We decided to start Black Friday early!" and "Why wait til Friday?". Then Friday evening it was, "We decided to start Cyber Monday early!" and "Why wait til Monday?"

    Wouldn't be so annoying if there were actually some decent deals, but most sales are about the same as every other 'sale' (except maybe Primary Arms...thanks for the dot!).

  7. Speaking of AOL, you are the exception to my rule: If they still have an AOL email address, they probably don't know anything about computers or technology.

  8. Parachute pants? Was that some kid of chick fad? I reckon I missed it. What _are_ parachute pants, exactly?

  9. Justthisguy,

    "What _are_ parachute pants, exactly?"

    If you had typed that into the search engine rather than the comment field, you'd already know.

    Gosh, if only there were some vast, massively interconnected, searchable computer database of information...

  10. "vast, massively interconnected, searchable computer database of information..."

    I miss the old fashioned card catalog. The serendipity of the search was more than half the fun. And if the previous sentence was ungrammatical, have mercy. I'm pre-coffee.

  11. My parachute pants are soo tight that i haven't been able to remove them since 1985.


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