Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Overheard in the Office:

RX: "Have you seen this?"

Me: "Wow! That looks gloriously dangerous!"

RX: "Actually, it's apparently very stable."

Me: "Yeah, but can you imagine? You clip the trees, tumble forward out of the seat and into that maelstrom of whirling blades of death! Splatter!"

RX: "Tam, those are electric motors and little composite fan blades, they can't..."

Me: "What? Why aren't they chainsaw motors with steel blades? Or titanium!"

RX: [walking toward the kitchen] "In fact... I'd put a seat-belt interlock on it so the motors couldn't run unless you were safely harnessed in..."

Me: [yelling after her] "You're treading on my dreams!"

(H/T to Lyle.)


  1. Raise your hand if your first thought was "Pallas".

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. You're thinking of this:

  3. Up, Down, Hover, yet you have to keep the Blades away from the Structure, and No Lateral Movement?

    There's another device similar to this one out there.

    It's called a Balloon.

  4. Blender motor powered machetes at belly button level. I call it "Will It Blend 2: Electric Belly Goo"

  5. Composite blades? How wimpy. The older versions of this idea are much more gloriously dangerous.

    Like this bit of Cold War madness:

  6. And here I was thinking, "Will it go round in circles?" :)

  7. I like that it's design incorporates an exercise ball.

  8. is that really one of those exercise balls being used as it's, errr, landing gear?

  9. Check me out on it and I’ll fly it, it looks a lot safer than some of the fixed wing UL aircraft I’ve flown.

  10. The website says it could be used for feild inspection of large wind turbines. That's the video I want to see, with the wind turbines turning, of course.

  11. Tam, you haven't taken off the mask from Halloween have you?

  12. You have a great future in market research. :-)

  13. And yet, I have to wonder how much it would take to hitch a lawnmower powered generator up for longer flights.

    I mean, with only lithium batteries to power the thing, how much fireball can you generate in a solid head-on impact with a mack truck under an overpass?

    I bet that painted all black, it would be awesome for bagging feral pigs. . if it had a longer battery life.

  14. I'd still prefer my autogyro gunship, thanks.

  15. Tam, here's EXACTLY what you're looking for:

    You're welcome.


  16. Seat belt interlocks? Seriously???
    Engineers, they take the fun out of everything...

  17. Ah, the glories of individuality!
    Now, I have no idea in what particular discipline the Madwoman's degree might be: mine is in electronics engineering. I suspect we share training in some of the same classes.
    No offense to Bobbi--hell, I read her blog, too--but that's a little too Joan Claybrook for me. I want the damned thing as dangerous as it can be, including for the user. If you're too stupid to use it correctly, it ought to kill you.

  18. Was that a Yeats reference?

  19. Why, yes. Yes it was.

    (Albeit indirectly, in my mind, because I hadn't read much Yeats before his work was referenced in Equilibrium. I come by stuff via the strangest trajectories.)

  20. Somebody should ask Bill Tuttle about the autonomous robot with .50 caliber machine guns he had to deal with, one time.


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