Sunday, November 13, 2011

Silly admission...

Sometimes I sit back after typing a post and think "Hey, that's a pretty witty turn of phrase, there. I'm kinda proud of that," and then think "Dammit, why did I do that on a Saturday morning instead of waiting 'til Monday? Nobody reads blogs on Saturday."

Yesterday morning was one of those mornings.


  1. Right there with you Tam.

    I'm extremely witty on Saturdays, and no one reads it.

    Although, to be fair, my definition of witty is probably not very similar to that used by everyone else.

  2. I feel truly sad for you working people. We Olde Pholks tend to bask in the joy that EVERY day is Saturday. I was not aware, however, that there is a significant readership drop off. Not that many people read my blog on any day of the week, so I can exercise my literary skills without calendar consultation.

  3. Just so's you know, I'm here every day I have an internet connection. Since that's, at best, dialup at 28.8K, I'm a dedicated reader.
    Quick check of local news, Chris Muir's humor, GOC in Atlanta, then here. Hope it tells you somethin' that I'll make sure to read your stuff even before Insty. You've almost made me late to work more than once.

    Rob J

  4. Saturday (or Sunday) is no different than any other day for me.
    I always like a good turn of phrase-
    Which is why I read 'all the usual suspects' every day.



  5. With my schedule, weekends are when I usually get to everybody!

  6. When I miss a couple of days of VFTP (those days are few, FWIW), I smugly go back to read what I missed, like a kid discovering an extra digest edition in his comic book series that he hadn't read before.

  7. "Nobody with a real life reads blogs on saturday" There, I fixed it for you.

  8. Tam,

    Perhaps the Saturday extravaganza stems from more active dreaming after Friday, and perhaps even a bit more restful slumber.

    They tell us that sleep is the more important part of learning. Why wouldn't that be true for creativity as well?

  9. There have been times when I didn't appreciate one of my own turns of phrase until several weeks, even months, later.

  10. It was a nice piece; this reference should get it some retro-notice.

    But shouldn't you have run it Monday? ;)

  11. I... I read you every day. You're right after Marko in the blogscroll as I drink my morning caffeine.

    And I end up here at other times, too. (He says, at noon, on a sunday.)

  12. I read blogs on Saturday. What I find weird is all of the presumably-employed folks who find time to blog and read blogs in working hours during the week. Why have they not all been fired? I surely would have been had I tried that in any job I've ever had.

    (except the first one, working for NASA, but we didn't have inter-, and maybe not even Arpanet back then)

  13. The main reason I read your blog is for a daily dose of wit, or snark, whichever comes first. Everything else is added zest, besides all kind's of intresting people drop in here.

  14. I, for one, read every post. And usually on Saturdays. Never mind that I'm posting this Monday morning (ahem).


    wv: latedsm: reading a post on Saturday, but commenting on it Monday morning.

  15. What Sport Pilot said, 'specially the part about all kinds of interesting people. I cannot count the number of times I have seen people in the comments here who have Been There, Done That, Got the T-Shirt.


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