Saturday, December 31, 2011

279.5 GHz

You'd think that today's post would be a doddle, right? Just cut and paste a bunch of random whatever from the previous 364 days and Bob's your uncle, no?

I've got naught but the hum of the carrier right this second, but stay tuned! Something's bound to come to me in a moment!


  1. Just remember one thing: All your Base belongs to us.

    Happy New Year to All in Hoosieropolis!

  2. thrill,

    It's like this high-pitched ringing in my ears. I can't get away from it.

    (Yes, I hear in the far infrared.)

  3. Perhaps appropriate music for the mood might be What's The Frequency, Kenneth by R.E.M.

  4. Cant' stay tuned now 'cause work calls but I'll be back to this same channel for the next exciting adventure. The best is always worth waitin' for, and if you compiled what you do daily and just put it up here once a week I'd tremble with anticipation at the thought of gettin' all that snarky goodness in one shot.
    Seriously, there ain't many places on the web where I throw my limited funds, but I try to occasionally send some your way and also towards Bill Quick. To my mind, that puts you both in pretty good company. ;^)
    Happy New Year.

    Rob J

  5. See here's where that "Tamara's 365 Days of Snark" tear-off desk calendar would come in handy.

  6. See, if I had a blog (yes, I'm THAT lazy!) I'd be sure not to do a 'best of/worst of' list for the last day of the year. In fact, I might make an entire post about not doing a list, just to be different.

    But I've taken that concept to an extreme, by not even having a blog upon which to do that post, so I guess I just succeeded.

  7. Something about how history doesn't repeat but it rhymes? Bob's your uncle to Frederick Roberts and the Kabul-Kandahar dash? Or if you've still got the special lower yardarm you could just seek inspiration in some retsina! Even if the inspiration doesn't come, it's always (IMO) fun to drink retsina.

    WV: tormas, which sounds like tormoz, which is Russian for "to brake" so maybe drinking retsina isn't the way to go

  8. I find if I pull the tin foil hat down a little more the humming goes away.


  9. MY cut-'n-past post is traditionally done on January 1. (Well, it goes back to 2007, so I suppose that makes it tradition.)

    Take your time. We'll wait....

    Ready yet?

  10. I've been so busy with other stuff I just recycled from last year. Come Monday, It's back on the job.

  11. What if Bob *is* your uncle? I've got two of 'em, as it happens...

  12. 279.5 GHz is still considered RF.
    When I worked for Hughes Aircraft we had some Really Neat Things that operated up there.
    I'd tell you, but then...well, you know....

  13. Tintinitus.

    Yer brain insists on filling the part of the sound spectrum you can't hear anymore ( from all those accidental failures to have yer ears on when the range goes hot ) with white noise.

    I have the same issue with my right ear. Go figure.

    Same part of the brain that fills in your fovia's portion of your visual field of view so you can't directly see it.

    A very annoying free service by your own brain. Enjoy.

  14. Hmm, 279.5 billion divided into 300,000,000 makes for a very short wavelength. And a very short antenna. Short enough for a Handi-Talkie for the shortest man in the Bible.

    Bildad the Shuhite.


  15. To hell with the post, enjoy the day! Happy New Year Tam!

  16. Tintinitus? Is that were you hear a boy talking to his dog all the time?

    Have a happy new year Tam! Don't worry about the free ice cream today, we'll be OK!

  17. Likewise about the lack of free ice cream today, not to worry, "Stevie Ray Vaughan missed a note here and there."

    And Happy New Year to you and the denizens of Roseholme Cottage.

  18. Cut-and-paste? I ate the paste.
    Happy Apocalypto 2012 anythow!

  19. Dr. Wahls has a video on YouTube, from her TEDx Iowa City talk on Feeding your Mitochondria.

    She claims that brain shrinking is the problem for people with Multiple Sclerosis (like Dr. Wahls had), and Hodgkins Disease, Alzheimers, etc.

    The remedy for brain shrink is . . eat veggies! 3 cups a day of greens (turnip greens, kale, collard greens, etc.), plus 3 culs a day of high-sulfur veggies like cauliflower, broccoli, and parsnips. And 3 cups a day of 'colors', carrots, berries, that sort of thing. Potatoes and corn don't count, they are starches, after you eat your nine cups a day of veggies, you can have some corn. Once a week -- eat seaweed for iodine, eat grass fed red meat (include organs, please!), eat fish for omega-3 fats, salmon are very good for this.

    Eliminating the possibility of brain shrink should be a relief to your roomie and to you. And everyone on the firing line. . .

    Have a happy New Year! Blessed be!

  20. If my brain had shrunk, I might not have googled 279.5 GHz to find out what was causing the constant ringing in my ears... ;)

    Happy New Year!

  21. Cosmic Background Radiation = God's dial tone.

  22. Happy New Year 2012?

    "Let the wookie win."

    If only. Talk about your Happy Hopey Changey...

    Scary, but I'm in.

  23. "nine cups a day of veggies"

    And a case of toilet paper per month.......


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