Thursday, December 29, 2011

The cheek of the man is unbelievable.

The classic exemplar of "chutzpah" has always been the young man who murders his parents and then begs the judge for mercy on the grounds that he's an orphan.

No more, however. The new benchmark for chutzpah is Eric Holder, who has solemnly announced that more police officers were killed by 'illegal guns' in 2011 than in the previous year. 2011's total was 173, at least according to Mr. Holder. (It would have been 174, but Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in December of last year.)
Holder said “too many guns have fallen into the hands of those who are not legally permitted to possess them,” in explaining the increase.
"Fallen into"? "Fallen into"? Is that what we're calling it now? Look, Eric, if I walk up and hand you something, it has not "fallen into" your hands, okay?

Either Holder is dumb as a stump or he is setting himself up to be the most courageous Washington fall guy since G. Gordon Liddy, and since I can't imagine Eric Holder holding his hand over a fire just to show people how tough he is, I know which way I'm betting.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. Didn't you read the book?

    "The knife went in".

    Obama passes out guns like peanuts to violent drug cartels, drug cartels do their thing with the guns, which involves shooting everyone, and then expresses outrage that they guns they handed out are causing harm.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. He is performing the same role as he did during the Clinton Administration: Roadblock. Never mind whether or not the Supremes already have ruled 6-3 against what his current edict against South Carolina years ago during the Indiana Voter Registration Photo I.D. Dustup, never mind that he's directing his Agency to ignore Flagrant Breaches of the Laws that he supposed to enforce, never mind he's going after States who are only doing on a local level what his Federales are supposed to be doing, he will Delay, Deny, and continue on his Quest to ensure that his Boss' "Fundamental Transformation" is carried out.

    Of course, if the Presidential Golf Buddy Boehner would allow some Prosecutions and Impeachments to occur in the House......

  3. I do hope that the possibilities are limited to your two, dumb or patsy, but I fear otherwise.

    In spite of GT (Gun Tech?) running up the score, I think it's fairly certain that BO will have his corrupt contract extended, and there is no doubt in my mind that Holder speaks his boss' mind.

    What, if anything, they can do to make a late-game comeback, I don't know. But I do know that I distrust them intensely, and we'd best keep our eyes on the ball.

  4. Props to Holder: he isn't letting the fact that people know about Gunrunner stop his plan:

    1. Force gun shops in America to sell to straw buyers

    2. Tie the guns to crimes, especially those committed by drug gangs

    3. Use this to push for more gun control

    He's counting on MiniTru to cover up for him, which they've done with might and main so far. Will it work? We'll see.

  5. I bet he was #1 in his class at the Baghdad Bob School of Media Relations.


  6. According to this Instapundit post, apparently the report to which he refers says absolutely zip-zero-nada about "illegal guns".

  7. Nathan,

    OMG, that's even better. Fast & Furious congressional suboenas blazing crimson lines through the Death Star trench, and Eric Holder as Gold Five, droning "Stay on target... stay on target..."

    "It's coming from behind!"


  8. Say a lie enough and you start to believe it...

  9. Eric Holder is without a doubt the least qualified attorney general in history. A pathetic excuse for a human being.

    I don't know what bubblegum machine he got his law degree out of, but if I owned that bubblegum company I'd sue him for ruining my reputation.

  10. @Graybeard:

    Yeah, +1. I had previously thought that Ramsey Clark held that disreputable title, but Holder runs along with him in the sewer...

    cap'n chumbucket

  11. My brother tried this once, explaining that he had NOT thrown the toy; he had DROPPED it and it flew across the room.

    He was four.

    And infinitely more credible.

  12. Eric Holder is the most corrupt Attorney General in my lifetime. And considering who has held that office in the last 50 years, that's saying something.

  13. All the more reason to make sure his boss is a one term President. Holder is a lap dog doing his masters bidding.

  14. The up to the minute data is at the Officer Down Memorial Page:

    The total so far for deliberate gunfire, as opposed to accidental, is 63, with less than three days to go.

    The total for 2010 was 59.

    And any statistician worth his pay will tell you that a year-on-year variance that small is well within "normal variation," AKA statistical noise.

    Bottom line? Watch Holder closely. His mouth moves up and
    down when he talks, and anyone whose mouth moves up and down when he talks will lie.


  15. Owning the media means not having to say you're sorry.


  16. Anonymous at 3:03, owning the media also means you don't need to worry about telling the truth.

  17. Tam, as you have said more than a few times, "we're not voting our way out of this."

  18. Not dumb. Not a fall guy.

    Just evil.

    He's been getting away with bad behavior for so long, that he figures the odds are good he always will.

    Sadly, he may be right.


  19. Gotta agree, and he WILL play the race card again (and again)...

  20. Here's the real talk fo you gutter rats ... We stonewall the shit outta this mo'fo til the 'lection, see? I mean big pimpin' hella stonewallin, awrigh? Yo, I neva been nuthin'! My peeps gots the fix in on the 'lection, see? We slides in fo the second act, and BAM. We lock it ALL up. Ill Eagle guns ... Eagle guns ... None of doze peckerwoods gonna stay strapped. M.O.B. ya'll

  21. I read in a book by an Israeli Intel officer that chutzpah was pooping on a man's door, then knocking and requesting paper.
    This clown has that 'quality'.

    wv: potte (seriously)

  22. I equate AG Holder with somebody I know in school admin. They are both there to do a job, but it's not the job we expect it to be. Their qualifications are best described as 'criminally inept', unless viewed in terms of the purpose they actually serve, in which case they are both perfect choices for the job.

  23. Sorry - I have to disagree - Holder is a creature of the racial preference environment and plays it to the hilt. Any and all criticism of him will be attributed to racism.

  24. Too many people saying he is 'incompetent' or 'unqualified'; when in fact he knows exactly what he is doing and why he is doing it. He and his gang just if what they are doing is unconstitutional.

    This gang either thinks we are too cowed to fight back as strongly as needed or they don't care if they collapse the whole system with their actions. Either way, we are watching a coup take place.

    -Les Nessman

  25. "Either way, we are watching a coup take place."

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, I read that Very Same Quote at the Daily Kos referring to Bush and Ashcroft.

  26. Who or what is going to stop them?

    The press?
    Our institutions?
    The rule of law?
    The voters?

  27. "Perhaps unsurprisingly, I read that Very Same Quote at the Daily Kos referring to Bush and Ashcroft. "

    Heh. Yep, I remember seeing quotes like mine from the BDS crowd. I also remember thinking at the time 'those people sound nuts; they're only saying that because they are partisans.'

    That's why I didn't say such things until the last couple of years. I didn't want to be thought of as nuts or ultra partisan. (shrug) Whatever. I no longer care. I see what I see and I think what I think.

    -Les Nessman

  28. Well said and posted. Survival has this linked.

  29. The sheer ego of Holder and BHO makes me strongly suspect that funky white stuff Freud called "ego food" is still being consumed regularly.

  30. Eric holder is a punk and O"s buttboy. He knows that he is protected and covered no matter what he does or say-up to a point. Can you say "the fix is in"? Sure;I knew you could!

  31. I really do honestly try to be a Christian Libertarian, but some of those people in Washington, D.C. are starting to provoke me into thinking unprintable unfashionable uncharitable thoughts.

    Why, yes, I do believe that Eric Holder hates white people, aside from being a criminal tortfeasor, malfeasor, nonfeasor, misfeasor, and generally evil bad person.


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