Sunday, December 18, 2011

Feeling generally well-disposed to the world... I should be, because Bobbi's breakfast effort this morning was of the sort that leaves one still feeling full come lunchtime.

Yum. I may have mentioned how happy I am to have a Fresh Market right around the corner?


  1. Bobbi gets "warmly inclined" with her egg nog/ginger ale mix and you get "generally well disposed" with a good breakfast.

    Hmmm... I'm seeing a pattern here.

  2. How does this good disposition affect the snark?

    I don't belly up to this here free ice cream counter daily to read a lot of hippy-dippy kumbaya crap.


  3. Beat the hell outta my stale bagel...LOL And I'm sure it was delicious!

  4. Completely off-topic... does anyone know what happened to SiteMeter?

  5. I am glad to read that you are feeling more mellow now, Ma'am. I, for one, was fearing that you were about to blow a head gasket, what with the tone of some of the recent Keel-haulings you posted here.

    As they say, take a deep breath, let half of it out, and hold it, while staying calm and focused.


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