Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New tunes.

The appearance of the iPod on my personal gadget horizon some years ago changed the way I listened to new music. Rather than buying a new CD and listening to it immediately, I would buy it and rip its contents into the churning stew of my iTunes library, where its individual chunks would bubble to the surface in the "Shuffle" feature's own good time.

Hence, me driving down the road a few weeks ago and hearing a track that caused me to think "Oh, wow, that's beautiful... That's got to be Moby..."

And it was...

...and in that short time, it's become the 23rd most-frequently played track in my iTunes library.


  1. I do like me some Moby. Hadn't heard this one before. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I guess I don't play music on my computer's sound system very often (and I do usually use headphones), cause the dog just completely freaked out over the base in that....

    It IS very pretty though, might have to go pick that one up.

  3. Back in double ought, I drove across Nevada listening to my newly purchased Play CD and loved it immediately. Though I think Moby is kinda douchey, I like the products he produces.

  4. So they're making Heat 2 and he's on the soundtrack again?

  5. It bears an obvious structural resemblance to "God Moving Over The Face Of The Waters" (which was how I immediately tumbled to 'Hey! That's Moby!), but listening to them back to back, it's amazing how different they are in that which they evoke.

  6. I turned in my hipster card when popular music became screaming accompanied by axe smashing. So when you mentioned Moby, somehow I imagined that's where you would lead me.

    But noooo. Now I have to walker-walk my hi-pocket self into a record store to obtain me some Moby.

    Also, thanks to you, Imma have to get an iPod and ask my 12 year-old how to download said Moby onto said gadget.

    You, being too cool for school, know Ray Lynch, yes?

    wv: Miatemw=a Miata built by elves trying to copy BMW.

  7. I have not heard Ray Lynch. Perhaps I should?

    If you like these particular tracks, allow me to also suggest Dead Can Dance. (You have probably heard the female vocalist from Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerrard, on the soundtracks of Gladiator or Black Hawk Down.)

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHUQCx969m8

  9. From the vault, Ray Lynch, a sample:


  10. Another sample:


    Deep Breakfast is another good one, but I don't see it on the tubes.

  11. Gack. Deep Breakfast is the album title.

    This is my final offer: Kathleen's Song


    I'll be under the bridge.

  12. *Peeking out from under the bridge*



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