Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Overheard in Roomie's Bedroom:

TV Announcer: "...a mystery writer whose novels combine homicide and humor..."

RX: "Yeah, 'cause dead people are so funny."

Me: "Depends on who they are. Like Nazis, for example. Dead Nazis are frickin' hilarious!"
Dead Commies, too. And Nazis and Commies killing each other in great windrow heaps is better than watching the Three Stooges in a custard pie fight directed by Sam Peckinpah!


  1. Nazis and commies and pies, Oh My!
    Of course, if Sam filmed it, it would be in slow motion.

  2. Yup, nothing quite like hot red-on-Red action...

  3. And Nazis and Commies killing each other in great windrow heaps is better than watching the Three Stooges

    Now I know who keeps moving "Enemy at the Gates" to the comedy section.

  4. You gotta quit listing through doors.

  5. Duke,

    Some of the funniest stuff in the morning comes from her getting ready, with the TV running in the background at a volume level I can't hear down the hall in the office, so she'll blurt something out at the TV, and it sounds completely non-sequiturish.

  6. Now I'm curious as to who the author they were talking about is...

  7. Battle of Stalingrad: Funniest Shit EVAH!

  8. Depends on how they died. Nazis dying of old age isn't funny at all. Too many of them did.

    Now, Nazis dying in a fire? Hilarious.

  9. I love watching Castle, though. It'll tide me over until new episodes of Firefly come out. (If ever...)

  10. There's at least one internet meme that refers to the juxtaposition of murder and bad jokes. In fact, you could say:

    (puts on sunglasses)

    it's deadpan humor.

  11. I kind of liked Cross of Iron...Sam Pekinpah had me after the opening scene, but the chase through the tractor factory was good too.

    James Coburn was too old, as was James Mason, but they are actors, they take 'too old' and make it work.

  12. Now if a plane full of Nazis--Illinois Nazis, because I hate them the most--fell onto an Occupy camp, THAT would be funnier than Larry the Cable Guy doing a live special with Jeff Dunham and Sam Kinnison.

  13. Murphy's Law,

    "Now if a plane full of Nazis--Illinois Nazis, because I hate them the most--fell onto an Occupy camp..."

    Let's get married and have a lot of kids! :D


    McBain vs the Commie-Nazis


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