Wednesday, December 14, 2011

QotD: Selective Blindness Edition.

It's my blog and I can have as many quotes of the day as I want, so neener.

From Larry:
[R]emember kids, it is Republicans that are racist and don’t care about civil liberties. Sure, the Democrat’s greatest hero took something like a hundred and forty thousand men, women, and children, ripped them from their homes with no due process or evidence of guilt, confiscated all their homes, property, and businesses, and then interred them in desolate camps in the desert for several years.

The same media that has an absolute come apart over civil liberties because the Bush administration water boarded a couple of terrorists, picks FDR as their Man of The Century.
Being Larry, it goes without saying that you should go read the whole post.


  1. If Noot gets the nom, Obama will win all 57 states. If Mit gets the nom, we'll have 4 moar years of Obama.

  2. Of course, FDR learned a LOT from the prior Democratic President, Woodrow Wilson and his actions during the War to End All Wars.

  3. My Dad was a prisoner of the CCC when FDR was president. Youth forced to work for the government for a small stipend. He told me that Mrs. FDR thought all they needed was a little money for tobacco and one meal a day. She included the military in her hatred.

    He lied about his age and joined the Navy right after Dec. 7th. He told me right before he died (1980) that he didn't know who the worst president was. It was a tossup between FDR and Carter. He truly did hate FDR though.

  4. So, are we argueing the questionable attributes of the FDR administration, the questionable attributes of some hypothetical measure of presidental "effectiveness", or are we vilifying Newt Gingrich for making a statement that Larry Correia argued all around but didn't directly address?

    I like Larry's books, and his post is quite good vis-a-vis FDR, but his insistence on painting Newt with the same brush for admiring his "efficiency" is questionable as logical arguments go, I think.

  5. Lincoln was worse. Don't forget that the Republicans were the original centralizing nationalizing party. I write as a real, or pre-Bryan, Grover Cleveland style small-government Democrat. There may be as many as 3 or 4 of us left.

  6. Wasn't Wilson the one who re-segregated the Services because of his Progressive (anti-Reconstruction) belief that the Black Man wasn't quite ready for prime-time with ammo? He did order the segregation of all federal facilities in Washington D.C. after he became president...

  7. Yep, Dirt, he did that. There were still a few rated Negroes in the USN he couldn't drive out, and some of them stuck around through WWII. I think they had to mess with the stewards, though.

    The USN had lots of black sailors in the Revolution, and in the War of 1812, and also before and during the Lincoln War. They reportedly gave a very good account of themselves.

    Wilson was just kinda mental about Negroes, I reckon. (among his other mental weirdnesses)

  8. P.s. Wilson also appointed Josephus Daniels as Secretary of the Navy. That was the guy who forbade likker to the officers (Lincoln had cut it off for the enlisted folks) and tried to make the sailors wear pajamas to bed.

    Wilson was, in the words of King Arthur in the movie, a loony.

    Josephus Daniels is the guy who inspired the phrase, "a cup of Joe." In lieu of likker.

  9. Dang. I've had a 'cup of joe' aboard the USS Josephus Daniels CG27, and I never knew the history.

    Thanks for the History of the Day (HOTD).


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