Monday, December 05, 2011

Tab Clearing...


  1. Motion seconded. Any discussion? No? Excellent. All those in favor? Opposed? Fine, those of you opposed can gather over there at the far end of this field, next to the funny looking animal silhouettes.

  2. For some more FPS footage, I present you with an example of why anyone that lives within a few hours of Hampton Roads should check out the Blackwater Practical Shooters USPSA club.

    Yes, that is an actual school bus that I ran into to engage the last 4 targets of that stage.

    And we also generally have a couple shoot house stages every match as well.

  3. There being no objections to the motion...

  4. I'm reminded of a line from "The Bonnie Blue Flag," practically the Confederate national anthem, that goes:

    "Davis, our loved president, and Stevens statesmen rare,"

    Should a gunnie anthem replace Davis with Browning, then?

  5. "Motion: To declare Sept. 10th, the birthday of Joshua Stevens, inventor of the .22LR cartridge, a gunnie holiday, to be properly commemorated by the purchase of a brick of his brainchild ammunition."

    Motion carries. So say we all.

  6. Carried, and a brick bought in his honor!

  7. A little late to the meeting perhaps, but I'll throw an "aye" in also. I owe Mr. Stevens for many hours of enjoyment spent with his creation.

    So who is going to put together the official firearms holiday/remembrance day calendar? Browning, Stevens, Mauser... who else goes on it? Who else has influenced nearly everyone who participates in firearms-related activities?

  8. Those in favor? -Aye.
    I like Loose Gravel's idea of a gunny calendar.

  9. As well as the usual US designers, Stoner, Browning, Colt etc.
    Sir Hiram Maxim,
    Mikhail Kalashnikov,
    Nicolas Lebel,
    Hugo Schmeisser.

    List making fun ahead, methinks.

  10. Unrelated to your post, but I was looking for a way to contact you to see if you'd like to review a free book, Holding Your Ground. Contact me if you're interested at


  11. Sept 10th......
    then we commemerate Sept 11th by shooting targets of Osama BinLaden?

    Yeah Tam! I'm usually the one in every crowd.

  12. Not an endorsement of Cain, but the comment, "...whistle past his complete lack of political experience..." doesn't seem to require much whistling.

    As I recall, it was decades of bi-partisan efforts by those with political experience which has us nailed to the economic cross--which is a miserable way to spend Easter.

  13. Are we to be limited to just one brick of 22LR on each anniversary?

    Or may we buy in bulk, celebrating not just Mr. Stevens ingenuity and his invention's continuing appeal, but also the joys of cheaper shipping prices for orders over $100 from online retailers?

    Once these details are settled, count me in. I was delighted with the National Ammo Day idea, as well as the Buy a Gun Day commemorations of one who shall not be named here, and annually caress my Colt 1903 on JMB Day (PBUH). This is a worthy addition to the calendar.

  14. From Les Jones: How is Herman Cain like the movie National Treasure?

    Hopefully NOT because he sucks...


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