Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tab Clearing...


  1. RE Euro: BBC News has a story posted "U.S. Top General warns of EU unrest." But this ain't some Deputy Assistant Deputy Pentagon Crawler, this is from Gen. Martin Dempsey, JCS Chairman. There is NO higher Military person in the Chain of Command. Now if HE'S worried about Europe falling apart...

  2. RE: the Crazy Guy story:

    In the video, a gray car swerves to avoid the shooter as he points what appears to be a weapon at the car.

    Mindset, people (then again, it is Kalifornia).

  3. I know! Why does he think the Mercedes hood ornament is shaped that way, anyway?

  4. In California, the Mercedes emblem is mistaken for a peace symbol.

  5. Good GAWD man, if you see a guy shooting randomly at cars just pull your steering wheel a little anti clockwise and apply pressure to that foot pedal on right. Couple tons of pickup truck at 30 fps does the job as well as 230 grains at 900 fps.

    WV: broom, as in 'sweep up the bad guy with a...'

  6. Yeah, but then the cops charge *you* with vehicular homicide, not thanking you for stopping the maniac and giving you a medal (with a little sticker on back of it warning that it *may* contain lead, a known cancer-causing agent in California).

  7. @Mattexian: "Where's my lawyer? I just called him, and I need him here before I talk with you. I'm sure he'll tell you how really sorry I am, and that when I saw that guy point a gun at me I panicked and must have turned the wheel the wrong way and stepped on the wrong pedal. Guns are dangerous and I was terrified....."

    That oughta work until your lawyer arrives as long as you haven't backed over the bastard 3 times.

    FYI, NJT - 30 fps is only 20.5 mph. Any sort of real truck should be able to accelerate to at least 45 mph in a couple hundred feet. And, there's nothing wrong with a little wheelspin when the rear tire passes over. You're panicking, remember?

  8. The proper soundtrack:

    Vrooommm! Splat! Screech. Vroom, thump thump, screech, vroom, thump thump... (repeat as necessary)

  9. Re: cinematic sacred cows.



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