Friday, December 16, 2011

Tab Clearing...

  • Colt Woodsman .22: You know who designed that gun? That's right.

  • I have the sudden urge to buy a Ruger double-action revolver, and a plastic one at that. I've never felt that before. It feels a little dirty. I don't know whether to give in, or to go hold my K-22 Combat Masterpiece until the feeling goes away.

  • Cœur de Poulet: If Robert the Bruce showed up in Scotland today, he'd get four years in the gaol for that snickersnee of his.

  • Being in New York from Sunday to Thursday, it's going to be hard for him to claim protection from the "safe passage" provisions in FOPA '86. Where's H.R. 822 when you need it?


  1. I got to handle my first Woodsman this week at the LGS. $1200, the nicest bluing I have ever seen on a firearm, and fit-up of a Swiss watch. Dear God I want one. Made the P22 I was bringing in for sale look like it should have been sold at Toys 'R Us. They also had a first series pre-Woodsman in the case. Very cool.

  2. I've wanted an LCR in 22 since they first came out with the 38 (even called Ruger only to be told there were no plans for one).

    I already have a K22 (and K38 TM to go with it), but I've wanted a small, light 22lr to toss in the pack for plinking duties.


  3. Yep, I have a 617 that is one of my most favorites....but it won't fit in my pocket, and isn't analogous in size to my J-frames.

    I wanted a 317 with the bobbed hammer for the same reason, but the price of that titanium cylinder, (plus the fear of burning out the evil voodoo that holds it together you've instilled in me) made me shy away.

    The LCR is exactly what I want, a cheap, simple, little wheel gun.

    Also I think they took a chance turning to plastic and they made a nice little gun!

  4. Weer'd,

    The 317 has an aluminum cylinder, FWIW. The DA trigger on every example I've tried has been buck wretched, and can't be lightened appreciably without affecting ignition reliability.

  5. Old memory: I carried a K22 when I was gold-mining up in the Sierras, it was for rattlesnakes and belonged to the guy I was working with/for. He had a .357 and couldn't hit anything with it. I can't afford one now.

  6. Guy in NYC would have gotten sideways glances for string with the current "Mayor for Life" in power, but a blaster?

    Come on now...shoulda done what most smart New Yawkers do, not tote it in your check-on luggage, buy it from Uncle Vinny in the alley over there.

    Sure, you'll pay more, and his "buybacks" are likely approaching the Brady Bunch in cost level, but it'd be less trouble to do so than attempting to legally get a blaster in NYC, much less tote it.

  7. There are thing's I like about the LCR and dislike but overall it's becoming a possibility for later. Having handled several of them the trigger pull run's from really awful to somewhat less then I expect.It's due to this the SP101 in .22 LR is waiting to pair up with my Ruger Bearcat. As to the S&W K-22, in a moment of weakness mine went down the road years ago.

  8. Re Scotland:
    Tam looks like your "Tool using apes" post was rather prophetic.

    So Scotland wants to ban basic, basic tools. How's that for "enlightened" for you. Maybe next they'll ban possession of matches and lighters in order to prevent arson and "fire-crime".

    Also the "zero-tolerance" line, it's like they think Scotland is one giant school full of unruly children in need of "gum inspections."

  9. Tam, re Meckler, not necessarily. The state would have to prove that he had the gun with him during that trip. And I'm not sure how they would go about doing that. Unless he did something stupid like tell them that he had it with him.

  10. DON'T touch that, young lady, you don't know where that polymer's BEEN!..:-)
    ...Used to have original Woodsmen come through the gun shop regularly
    in the late '70s - a fair number had factory(?) threading for a Maxim silencer(what they called it). I always thought that the original Woodsman would be good for a high-quality repro...
    ...Now I gotta get earplugs for the MSM shrieking about the "VIOlent teabaggers". Hope he didn't become incontinent around the squad car. Oh, wait...

  11. A couple years back I was teaching a class at West Point and the team invited a sponsor to join us. He was at a U.S. military post at the invitation of the U.S. military, but when he tried to fly home through NYC he, too, got arrested. We eventually got him clear of charges but last I heard he still hasn't recovered the pistols that were confiscated at the airport.

  12. Re: Meckler - I would take that "been in New York since Sunday" claim with a large grain of salt - maybe an entire salt lick. After all, it comes from the same article that says the gun "was discovered during a pre-flight check-in" when he was actually attempting to declare it in compliance with federal law. I haven't seen the "since Sunday" assertion in any of the other articles I've read.

  13. Jake,

    If he was just changing planes, that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish... depending on his origin and destination, of course.

  14. Yeah. Reliable details are sketchy on the key points. So of course the media is making things up or repeating rumors that may or may not have any basis in fact.

  15. It almost makes me ashamed that my last name is Bruce when I read that article about Scotland.

    It seems they've decided to give up kilts for skirts.

    Some where, William Wallace is weeping ... or planning on coming back from the dead to hand out some education.

  16. "go hold my K-22 Combat Masterpiece"...

    There are a lot of .22 handguns out there, but a K-22 Combat Masterpiece is one of the sweetest pieces of .22 iron around...

    Dann in Ohio

  17. Ruger missed a trick. If they offered the SP-101 or the LCR with interchangeable cylinders (one .22LR, one .22 Mag.), they would sell like hot cakes (IMHO).

    Sidenote - the S&W M63 3 inch barrel I just picked up is super. I thought the trigger may have been too light, but no. 500 rounds downrange, 2 inch groups at 15 yards and S&W has a winner.

  18. @JDS. The one Tam links to is in my gun safe right now. Its for sale. Just FYI.

  19. Good grief, I can't keep up with my Ruger want list; first that 3" birds head single six, the two new 4" SP-101's with real sights, and now this. They are making all the right moves. And I sheepishly sold my 2"
    S&W 317 because the trigger pull was so heavy compared to my late 70's model 63 (keeper). Maybe I can buy one per year, in April.

  20. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmem...ith_handgu.php

    publius2009 makes a comment that has his itinerary (talk shows and lecture circuit) from Sunday thru Thursday. I'm sort of stumped to figure out how he got the handgun to declare for the flight back home if he did not bring it with him. But I'm open to stories about magic beans and such.

    stay safe.

  21. Buy the Ruger

    Buy the Ruger

    Buuuuy the Ruuuuuger

  22. Just about every time I see news from (formerly Great)Britain, I get even happier that some of my ancestors got the hell out when they did


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