Sunday, January 08, 2012

Currently off the shelf:

I'm reading Death from the Skies!: The Science Behind the End of the World, because, duh! Did you not read the title?

Plus, "It's By The Guy Who Does The Bad Astronomy Blog" is a surefire sales pitch if I'm your target demographic.

So far we've dropped a big rock on the planet and now we're microwaving it with solar flares. Next we'll be setting off a supernova next door. Whee!


  1. Read his blog with a grain o'. A little much avocation for popular causes, but he be a helluva better analyst than most MSM flacks.
    (No more infallible than I.)
    But I assume that "world history" was as confusing when you lived it as it now seems as we live it. Tend to believe that....

    We are living in interesting (and, as usual, dangerous) times. Suck it up as you work to change the present trend. I wish us luck....

    Cue "My Generation"....(refrain)...

  2. Hi Tam - Hoping you'll get in touch. My husband Paul Barrett has a book coming out on Tuesday - GLOCK: The Rise of America's Gun. I have to say it's great. USA Today called it "fascinating and oh-so-colorful." GQ put it at #6 of things that matter in culture this month. Paul is going to be the Keynote speaker at Boomershoot in April. Paul is a NYC based journalist; I'm a NYC based tv producer. As a result of his reporting for the book, he started shooting, then I started. We were both pretty "blown away" by how much we enjoyed it. I am better than him - our instructor said it's the norm for women to be better than guys. Anyway, would love to get you a copy to read and comment on...or to write something for VFTP about women and guns...Let me know

  3. I would like to see him do "star falls into Sagittarius *, and the resultant gamma ray burst resets all life in the galaxy to whatever the local version of D. radiodurans is.

  4. While Kristopher's request seems highly unlikely, anyone can order Glock the Book at:
    or embed the shooting video from:
    Tam, if by any chance you're going to SHOT show, would love to see you

  5. tvlady,

    I read your husband's book. While I had certain philosophical disagreements, I found it a solidly-researched work. (I was there for much of the history he presented. I have worked in and around the firearms industry since 1993, and in the ATL for a stocking Glock dealer for the first 7 years of that time.)

    I have been out of town for vacation for the past week. Look for an actual review tomorrow or Tuesday, once I've actually settled down back home in Indy.

  6. Cool. Thanks Tam. Paul doesn't seek or expect agreement on all points. But hopes readers - both gun and non gun people - will learn something about this fascinating company and maybe even consider some of the old issues in new ways.

  7. Ahh, television -- always with the subtle, low-key approach.

  8. I own Glocks-a lot of them - but would never call it America's gun. It's Austria's gun and used all around the world. Of course that doesn't sell books....but the truth usually doesn't.

  9. Both of plait's books are now on hold @ the liebarry.

  10. A lot of them are getting sold in the US, calm.

    I suspect more of them are in the hands of American civilians than cops or military officers elsewhere.


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