Sunday, January 22, 2012


While VFTP is not in the habit of giving official endorsements to lying, thieving, hypocritical, egotistical, heirarchist wannabe-tax-parasites (hereafter referred to as political candidates) we are considering making an exception in the 2012 election.

I knew I'd seen this scenario somewhere before...


  1. And I'll bet that Newt was even your Congressman at one point in time.

  2. wow, you really are getting into arcane references now, maybe 1@1000 of the readers will get it w/out google...

  3. Borepatch,

    Yup. Newt, Barr, and Larry McDonald all represented me at one time or another while I lived in the ATL, also Cynthia McKinney.

  4. They had wookies in Star Trek? Who knew?

    wv - grater - sort of like a woodchipper (Fargo) but more hands on.

  5. Anon 10:57,

    I think my readers will bat at least .600, and for those that don't, they can GTS. :)

  6. Tam, count me in the ST challenged. "I'm part of the 40%", LOL.

  7. I would bet my house that in a random selection of Americans over 18, more would recognise Kobayashi Maru than, say, Wickard v. Filburn or Marjah...

  8. Except that Ron Paul is the winning scenario.

  9. Thanks for link, Tam!

    (and the bumper sticker you requested is now linked from the post)

  10. Firefly/Serenity is for ultimate wookie suiters, but we're also Star Wars, Star Trek, and BSG fans...
    (well, all except that whole feel-good socialism that Star Trek is supposed to stand for, according to Roddenberry)

  11. ZerCool, zazzle gives error at checkout...

  12. Kobayashi:


    I'd vote for these guys, too.

  13. Hm. Sorry, Buzz. Try again tomorrow, I guess. This is the first time I've tried them, and they say stores may take 24 hours to go live. Apparently a direct product link isn't any better.

  14. Does it come with a phaser?

  15. Re: Ron Paul.

    If Barack Obama is the avatar of Nyarlathotep, wouldn't that make the election of Ron Paul the Coming of Yog-Sothoth? You have to admit, that would explain a lot.

  16. I'm on the bacon bandwagon myself.

  17. ok, ok, I saw the damn video.
    Get a life.
    Tam, move back to TN
    You need it badly
    ! ;-]

  18. I got it :-) Of course I'm an old fart and remember the original version of the show... :-)

  19. Anon 5:52,

    "Tam, move back to TN
    You need it badly

    Unfortunately, the gun laws back on Dear Old Rocky Top suck compared to the ones in the Hoosier State, for the most part. :(

  20. I don't believe in the "No Win" scenario.

    Ulises from CA

  21. Be sure to check Kobayashi Maru's birth certificate carefully, sounds like another one of those furriners to me. Middle name's probably Hussein.

  22. I have to wonder. . . what would happen if the Democrats drafted Hillary 'cause she is kinda Democrat, and the Republicans drafted her because she is more conservative than the clowns onstage at the moment, and also she hasn't changed her story much at all, unlike the clowns on the stage at the moment.

    Maybe with dueling tickets both heading Hillary, the choice would be which VP?

    The whole thing scares me silly. And then there is the prospect of The Newt or The Romney getting in. Gack. Or even worse, a Democrat.

    After all, Hillary is the one pushing the UN "disarm the civilians" treaty that would supersede US Constitutional rights, if ever signed by the US. And, no, this isn't a conspiracy theory; the negotiations have been ongoing for years, now.

  23. I'm going to write in Rufus T Firefly.
    "If you think the country's messed up now, just wait til he gets through with it!"

  24. And what was so unacceptable about Cthulu?

  25. Cthulhu: Why vote for the *lesser* evil?

    Except that if it's really down to Barack, Mitt, or Newt, Cthulhu just might be the lesser evil.


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