Monday, January 09, 2012

The frog and the scorpion.

I try and avoid this particular drama llama as much as possible, but couldn't help noticing this one.

Rational Gun says it better than I could. More discussion here.

Really, don't be a dick.


  1. TTAG has built a very bad rep for itself.

  2. Many may think that pic (and the interview itself for that matter) are in poor taste and not helpful to the overall effort to improve the public perception of guns and self-defense and adds to the one that has been so carefully crafted by MSM for all these years...and I might agree except...

    This young girl, in the eyes of those scum, was the perfect victim...only not. Why? Because and only because of that gun.

    MSM is beside itself because in a year that firearms sales set all kinds of records, according to them there should be blood running not only in the streets but down every hallway. Yet violent crime, in fact crime of all kinds, is down, way down.

    And they just can't figure it out. But I'll bet the boy that got that gutted for his efforts, in his final bewildered seconds, and his scalawag cohort, understand completely. And someone said the dead scums relatives might take offense? Maybe, but I'll bet they won't come knocking that girl's door down.

    Make that pic a poster, and maybe the next victim won't feel the need to ask the frickin' 911 operator if it's okay to defend her life and her child's.

  3. In fly-over country, aka "The Heartland" we have reasonable laws and intelligent prosecutors. The young mother has been vindicated that this was a legitimate home defense shooting and she did everything right and more. (Really? Asking the 9-1-1 operator if it is OK to shoot? That's going a mile beyond!)

    But the real justice is that the cowardly partner of the mort who fled when his buddy met a gun got captured. And, because it is capital murder in OK (and TX) if a death results from your actions in commission of another felony the goblin faces trial for murder!

  4. " Really, don't be a dick."

    Your asking the impossible for some people.


  5. What's sad is, they could easily have the girl, the gold watch, and everything (to borrow a phrase from John D. Macdonald. Still miss you, Travis, every singe day. I digress... ).

    There is no reason why TTAG can't be the #1 gun blog out there AND have the support of the rest of us, but their turgid desire to be top dick gets in the way.

    If that's what it takes to be #1, I'll take #2 (ok, #462 or so) and being able to look at myself in the mirror over living like that. Life's too short to step on people over such minor things.

    Good writers learn from their mistakes. Great writers learn from the mistakes of others. TTAG does neither.

  6. The comments on the original article on how maybe the deceased honor student might have been the baby daddy and she shouldn't have shot him are what get me.

    If he was the child's father and was trying to break into the house for any reason wouldn't that be more of an incentive to shoot him and not less of one? That would mean she wouldn't be speculating on what he was going to do but would have a much clearer idea of what was going to happen.

    That and "warning" shot and "wounding" shot are my goat getters. Yeah, like screaming that you have a gun and to leave you alone doesn't count as a warning? And like you owe them a warning to begin with? And aiming to wound would just get you sued assuming that you didn't flat out miss the much smaller target.


  7. What gets me are the comments there that are trying to make her recently deceased husband's age somehow relevant to the shooting. WTF?

    WV: panies - Someone got their panies in a wad!

  8. It's amazing how much of courtesy, morality, and human decency can be summed up by the words, "Don't be a dick."

  9. Lewis,
    Absolutely! Words to live by...

  10. Lactating mothers are be physiologically and genetically immune to charges of macho posturing.

  11. Maybe TTAG should follow their own advice to STFU.

  12. I watch the people who blog and comment about guns, and i get this weird feeling a lot of these people have personality disorders. It seems like they act contrary just to be contrary, along with some other traits. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but it's dickish most of the time. But I digress.

    Someone made an excellent point that some ignored in the second link. If you read the original article and watched the video, that pic was a screenshot lifted from the video taken of her demonstrating to the reporter what happened. If you watch the video it's obvious this is exactly the case.

    As for the "victim's" family, F them. Their stupid family member was doing his best to be a sociopath murderer/rapist and got what he deserved for doing it. Maybe next time you should raise your boy not to do such things and he might get to stay alive, dummies.

  13. *oops, instead of "the people who blog and comment...", I meant SOME people. I'm on prescription happy pills today. It's like seeing things through an aquarium. =)

  14. I don't get involved in the internet drama between sites but I also don't visit sites that copy other peoples work, offer nothing substantive and generally act like small dicks.

  15. Aren't we falling into the simple trap that TTAG laid?

    Everyone here went there.

    His meter is spiking.

    All because he threw out a somewhat controversial viewpoint.

    This reminds me of AM talk radio show hosts throwing out some dangerous declaration with his voice turned up at the end so that he could claim that he was simply raising the question, and then going to commercial. Watch his phones and ratings go up as people check in to argue his scandalous point. Call him a jerk; he doesn't care. Just keep calling.

  16. Hmmm ... I recall Oleg Volk making many similar looking photo shoots, all of young women pointing various firearms at a remotely operated camera.

    Perhaps this dick should start lambasting Oleg as well.

  17. Don't encourage the troll over there, Kristopher. Maybe b/c I'm from Texas (or have a *few* guns myself), but a *picture* of someone holding a gun, however menacing, doesn't get my panties in a bunch. Pity this isn't true for elsewhere in the country.

  18. I selected this particular incident to use for a current news event conflict critique in my grad school program. FWIW my focus wasn’t the young mother, she’s a victim, and the vultures are what I’m watching.

  19. "FWIW my focus wasn’t the young mother, she’s a victim..."

    Not so! She is the victor!

    I am so very tired of the "Cult of Victimhood"- "Oh woe is me!"

    The lady has been through quite a bit- do not feel sorry for her or celebrate her victimhood. Rather, celebrate the fact that the young lady rose to the occasion, and the fact that she does not appear to be participating in the pity party.

  20. Mattexian: If this idjit takes on Oleg, there won't be enough left of him to mop up with a rag.

  21. jimbob86, with respect to the home invasion and prudent use of the castle doctrine you are very correct in calling the young mother a victor. This however, is not why I've addressed her as a victim, instead I view her as victimized by the media and other's. In no way do I consider this young lady in any negative manner,I've seen enough crime scenes where the victims had no mean's, know how or ability to protect themselves.

  22. He actually has taken a potshot at Oleg recently.


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