Monday, January 16, 2012

Orthodox Objectivism's most glaring flaw...

"Your description of me as pedantic and wearying is merely a reflection of your bad premises and poor epistemology!"
I love you guys to death, but sometimes it feels like I'm in a prayer meetin' for the Cult of the Aspie, there, Reverend Spock. Any church that's quicker to excommunicate than baptize is going to have a difficult time keeping the pews full.


  1. Tam. I don't think I'd be allowed in "Orthodox Objectivsim's" club, becauses I have that fault of professing faith in God. Maybe I could make the cut for the Heretic Objectivism club.

  2. Biggest flaw with Orthodox Objectivism is that it's orthodox. Pedantry at least has its place. Arguing over what words Ayn Rand, as the supreme arbiter of truth, would have approved does not; Objectivism after all is a philosophy which declares a refusal to think for yourself as the closest thing it has to a sin.

  3. Well, didn't Heinlein make mention of the Randites back in the '60s in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?"

  4. I was excommunicated in the 90s sometime when I suggested that the whole Nathaniel Branden thing might have thrown her unquestionable reasoning ability into question.

  5. Tam,

    "keeping the pews full". Wouldn't keeping the pews full be a matter of the sin of pride? Offering a message that "packs them in" is marketing, is pride, is economic success. Woe be to all, if the message that *needs* to be proclaimed is perverted for mere appearance of attendance.

    Why, look how the global warming wonks have twisted their goals and terms to keep the fundraising going. It has been months, now, since I heard anyone defend the excesses in Al Gore's life, so the strategy doesn't look very useful.

    Glory in the sanctity of the message. If the pews are nearly empty or are full, those able to hear will be enriched.

    Just, don't confuse a full pew with value in the message.

  6. How can these relativists keep saying I'm wrong?

  7. @ Anon 6:52,

    'Cause your relatives aren't their relatives.

  8. Tsk, John, ain't no such thing, just you lookit what Ayn Rand wrote; you either accept the whole deal, or you're not an Objectivist.

    So I guess I'm not not one, either. So it goes.

  9. I got excomunicated last year, and I'm not even in the bloody church (and a religion it is, for true). I stumbled onto the Nathaniel Branden writings just the other week and it's convinced me that Randroids too, have drunk the cool-aid.

  10. So I guess I'm not not one, either. So it goes.

    I sure ain't losin' sleep over it.

  11. Looks like they purged yer comments, Tam.

    Reasoned discourse, I guess.

  12. Who purged Tam's comments, where? The only outgoing link in here, including the comments, goes to John Venlet's blog, who plainly says he's not an Objectivist of any sort (and I can't imagine him "purging" any comments, let alone Tam's).


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