Saturday, January 14, 2012

Overheard in the Office:

*The Rachel Maddow Show is playing on the TV down the hall, in a desperate bid for blog inspiration*

RX: "Rachel says she went camping with a Scout troop and caught a rainbow trout..."

Me: " it were. So to speak. If you will."
Meanwhile, the guys on Young Turks were claiming that Gingrich's latest anti-robber baron tack proved that class warfare is as American as apple pie and "even Republican voters are progressive".

I don't know about "progressive", but American politics, especially in the South and Midwest, has a populist streak as wide as William Jennings Bryan's fat head, as tall as a tariff, and as long as a Farm Bill, that would love to be Democrats if it weren't for the fact that Democrats believe in the ev'lution and the 'bortion and are always tryin' to take your guns, and two of the first three primaries are smack in the middle of that turf.


  1. It doesn't help the 'crats that they support gun control more than the Republicans do, either, which is why they pretty much shut up about the subject after 1994 and 2000.

  2. Bob,

    Good point. Edited appropriately. :o

  3. The problem of defining left, right, conservative, and liberal comes up a good bit around election time. People (especially the lackwits in MiniTru) like nice, tidy labels and categories: this or that person is "conservative" or "progressive".

    The problem is that people defy easy categorization. Hence, one can find "right wingers" who are pro-abortion, anti-gun, pro-gay marriage, etc. Makes for some heated arguments.

    Another problem is that most people aren't rabid on any position. Hence, they may consider themselves pro-2A but support "sensible" gun control. They may consider themselves liberal but support the War on Drugs. Etc. In the final analysis, they just want things to run smoothly: for their families, houses and businesses to be safe; for grandma not to be cold or hungry; for the kids to be off the streets during the day (and if they actually learn something, hurrah!); for the trains to run on time; for taxes not to be too high; and to be left the hell alone. They'll vote for whomever convincingly promises to do these things, and labels be damned.

  4. Maddow is kinda "soft butch", thus the trout. Rosie O'Donnell, on the other hand, is butcher than butch. We all know what that hypocrite fishes for... the butchest fish in the sea.

  5. Well, I find it laughable that the current White House Re-Anoite Obama Strategy is to portray Barry as an "Aw Shucks" Andy of Mayberry Populist.

    And I do find it interesting that Maddow has had 5-6 Visits to the White House in the last few months, yet there's been no news stories coming out, so one wonders how big a role she's has in the Ministry of Propaganda.

    If they continue this tactic, I expect to see some news stories on how it's the Republitards fault that there's no Free Silver.

  6. Further, two out of three Southrons *were* Dims 'til Ronnie came ridin' into town.

    But at this point most would love to sign the register with a "T" after their name.

    And that's a label many of us could embrace, dropping the androgynous "I". And we'd be glad to whittle docjims list of "what people want" (personal safety, room & board, education, transportation, taxes, and personal privacy), to just the last two, gladly taking responsibility for the first four.

  7. docjim,

    I know some people who are brainlocked by the label they've chosen for themselves. That quibble aside, I think your comment ought to be read aloud every morning is every class room in the land

  8. I really don't want to know what "rainbow trout" would be a euphemism for to Maddow ...

  9. But was it truly a rainbow or perhaps steelhead? ;)

  10. Since I'm almost always willing to add my opinion on politics and religion, it seems to me that the difference between liberal a conservative, is that liberals want to take money from those that they despise and give it to the people and causes that they champion. Where as conservatives want to be allowed to make money to give to the causes that they champion.

  11. You left out the most important part, Tam. What did Maddow say she caught the fish doing?

  12. "But was it truly a rainbow or perhaps steelhead? ;)"

    Lutjanidae, perhaps. :0

    Mike James


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