Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Perambulated about town today.

Had an omelet at Cafe Pretenchou, and then toodled north a bit. Stopped at the Safeway at 56th and Illinois and zomg they had my favorite comfort food! Patio frozen burritos! I hadn't seen them since I moved to Naptown lo these four years ago.

Then I went across the street to L.E. Kincaid & Sons, which I had passed many times before, but never entered. Oh, friends... It was a veritable temple of meat. The walls were hung with prize livestock ribbons from the State Fair. I purchased a mess of bacon that only entered into interstate commerce if you believe the crackpot theories set forth in Wickard v. Filburn.

It was a good day. I didn't even have to use my AK.


  1. A mess of bacon is a prize.

  2. Hippo berth-day 2 ewe.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Reason #17 why my admiration for Tam is like the universe (finite but unbounded):

    Her ability to make a punchline out of a badly decided Supreme Court decision.

    (Happy birthday.)

  4. Yes, but do they have British "banger" sausages?

  5. and roomie cooked a breffuss wit much hog...

    Happy birfday, you rock.

  6. First you went all 9mm and eschewed the 1911, now you are going all AK.

    It's like I don't KNOW you anymore!

  7. Kincaid's is great.

    Never got a bad cut from them.

  8. Tam, I have been a single guy for quite some time and even before that I would never consider Patio frozen anything "comfort food". To each I suppose!

    Glad you had a good Bday!

  9. Next time we come that way I'll bring you a bunch of Patio Burritos. IIRC I can get about 8 varieties here.

    Email me and tell me what kind you like.

  10. A redundant HBD to you! (Said it on FB earlier.) I'd have used the AK anyway, if for nothing else than a celebratory magazine-emptying.

    WV: poorsh- (por-ish) adj., what your wallet feels like after buying one of those fancy German sports cars!

  11. Bacon = good :-) Those burritos... well, never mind... :-(

  12. And the award for best Ice Cube reference goes to ...

  13. Mattexian

    Your WV: "poorsh" immediately made me think of Fiero...A rich man's Chevette powered by the spirit of Jimmy Carter.

  14. Love Kincaids. Mom used to buy meat there all the time when we were kids. It was our source for Dad's Wilno Kosher salami of blessed memory.

    I need to go down there one of these days and support the cause.

  15. http://murkavenue.tumblr.com/post/16553509655/i-found-ice-cubes-good-day

    Apparently, that Good Day was almost your birthday, too. :)


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