Saturday, January 07, 2012

Walking with prehistoric beasts...

As someone who never really outgrew the "dinosaur phase" most kids go through, I heartily approve of this exchange.


  1. Actually, that's a more intelligent debate than I've heard from Capitol Hill in years.

  2. Keep in mind that 'back in the day', you and I didn't have streaming netflix so we could watch 'Walking with Dinosoaurs', 'Walking with Prehistoric Beasts' and 'Monsters Resurrected' again, and again and AGAIN.

    Not complaining's only about 2 BILLION times better than them being hooked on 'Sponge Bob'.

    Aprreciate the free press...I woke up this morning and thought there was a problem with my site visit meter.

  3. Massively OT, but I think Tam NEEDS this:

  4. heh. kids who like dinosaurs enough to learn the real names (instead of LONG NECK STOMPY THING) are awesome.

  5. How did I never hear of the Walking With Dinosaurs show until now? (probably because I wasn't reading many gun blogs back then...)

    Sadly it looks like they are not longer touring, but hopefully they will be back. I imagine they were pretty much printing money with that show.


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