Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Attention Peach Staters:

Georgia H.B. 679, which would add Georgia to the list of states with Constitutional Carry, is scheduled to disappear into a non-smoking back room for a committee meeting tomorrow morning, where it is no doubt planned to strangle it in its crib before it can reach a floor vote.

Contact your representatives. Tell them you appreciate knowing that they will vote to do the right thing and that you won't forget come November.


  1. Ohio had this for 5 minutes in Hamilton County before the AG at the time (fuzzy....Montgomery...) asked for a Stay so Taft could write a bill that made permit holding suck (open carry in your vehicle as a requirement for starters).

    Be nice if that happens, this snowball is rolling pretty slow but maybe, one day...I don't know if my son will live to see that. (He'll be 3 in June)

    I do hold out hope his future is brighter, and there's not a kajillion dollar debt by the time he's of Driving Age.

    Some call me cynical, I prefer the term, "realistic."

  2. Good point Tam, I'll pass it along to some friends down there!

  3. I wrote my rep, but I don't have much faith in him since he's a "D". I am hoping for the best, however.

  4. When Constitutional Carry's bloodied mangled corpse is found, rolled into the ditch in the middle of nowhere, you can bet that the NRA's fingerprints will be found on the lead pipe at the scene.

  5. oh, and boo hoo hoo... Tam called my grandma a peach starter.... maybe i'll go waa about building a wall...


    ps. Sorry for the noise Tam, but people who get their little feelers hurt so easily make me grumpy for days.

  6. Open carry would have been handy when a fat guy with a paring knife came out of the darkness of DeKalb North's hospital parking garage. I reached out of reflex and he dropped the knife and ran.

    I hope that we prevail. But if at first, etc.. But just remember what road is paved with good intentions, so don't intend to call, make the call.


  7. One of the women who persuaded me to arm myself had her "Road to Damascus" event in a stairwell at Grady Hospital in Atlanta. She got away unscathed, thank the Lord, but resolved to arm herself. She carried a piece the rest of the time she worked there, and fuck the rulez.

  8. P.s. This is the woman who said she preferred revolvers to autoloaders in case she had to shoot somebody in, say, a MARTA station, so that there would be no empty cases lying around to be tracked back to her. She also told me that her forensic anthropology prof said the only way to get away with murder is to push the guy out of an airplane over the middle of the ocean.

    She is a Mississippi gal, like my Mom. They are dangerous.


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