Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bad at math.

Today's statement from the awkwardly-acronymed NGVAC*:
There are 14 million people in the United States–victims of gun violence and their families and friends–who are looking forward to saying, “Thanks, Starbucks, I’d like a latte please!”
Fourteen million? Really? I guess 13,999,863 of them don't have FaceBook accounts, because that's how shy you were of your claimed total before you hid your attendee total out of shame.

Me? Like 20,600+ others, I'll be going to Starbucks today to show my appreciation for their corporate HQ's laissez faire handling of the whole situation. I don't need to wait for some imaginary future day when the lion shall lie down with the lamb to enjoy a cup of joe.

*National Gun Victims Action Council. What victim snobbery! Machete victims will presumably have to start their own organization.


  1. Machete victims? Like Justice Breyer?

    Are you a sportsman, Justice Breyer? Then go to the West Indies.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. I don't know what they serve at Starbucks, having never been there before, but I'll be there today.

  3. Pretty radical of Starbucks to wimp out and just follow local law. Like many others, I'm not a fan of their over-priced coffee, but I'll be there in my NRA jacket and H&K cap.

    MAJ Mike

  4. I'm not a coffee person at all.
    They got anything on the menu that isn't coffee?


  5. @BGMiller: Tea, hot chocolate, various pastries. I'm going to the one in my local Barnes and Noble bookstore so I have something to do (and a lot more space to do it in) while I'm sipping my coffee.

  6. Thanks for the reminder, Tam. :)

  7. Well then...
    There's one just a couple of blocks from the house. Guess I'll pay 'em a visit this afternoon.

    Might just take a few Appleseed flyers too.

    So the S&W hoodie or the Springfield Armory sweatshirt...
    Choices choices...


  8. $31: 2 bags of coffee grounds, a medium cappucino and a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese. Went in concealed though. I'd love to know what their revenues do today.

  9. Hey, that NGVAC post was pretty awesome! A 17yo, who apparently had a shotgun in her purse, dropped it at a Starbucks and it went off. I say she had a shotgun because we all know someone that young wouldn't be carrying a pistol.

  10. Just came back from Starbucks. Had the Hot Mocha and a Cheese Danish, and I took pictures with todays's local paper and a copy of Larry's MHI on the table, just to prove that it was me, and it came to $5.20.

    Now, some of us don't wanna be Facebooking, so I'm guesstimating that there will be another 10,000 or so "Buycotting" today. So let's say everyone spends 5 bucks. Multiply by 30,000, that's a cool $150,000 Starbucks made, just because the Antis got their Knickers in a Twist.

    Another reason we win.

    BTW, Machete Deaths? Weer'd Beard likes to list all the "Non-Gun Deaths" on his site. You know, the ones the CSGV and the Bradys and the rest of them don't like to talk about, even though Murder is Murder. Check them out.

  11. I will never, ever, in my life understand the mental block that people like these hand-wringers have over "gun bans".

    It's almost as if they believe that Starbucks "banning" guns on their property will keep people from carrying them there. Are they really that stupid? Do they really have that much faith in a gaddamned sign on the door?

  12. If one does not care for coffee, one could always buy some of Starbucks' Via instant and send it to a GI.

  13. Yes, Goober, they are that stupid.

    Dropped by the closest Starbucks this morning, bought donuts I didn't need and a mixed coffee drink. Left a card that said I was "buycotting" them to oppose the NGVAC nuts.

    NGVAC failed at that boycott rather dramatically today, I think.

  14. NGVAC looks a lot like BCtPHV which looks a lot like HCI. Different costumes, same clowns.

    WV="mensal", as in pretty smart...

  15. One of my big gripes with these idiots: only 'proper-type' victims count.

    Some kid brings an unloaded gun to school: national news. Maybe a couple of days. Some kid gets knifed in the hallway or beaten into the tile in the bathroom: local news.

    And I found that Starbucks serves a very good cup of Earl Grey; I'm going to have to go back and try some of those pastries, too

  16. "NGVAC looks a lot like BCtPHV which looks a lot like HCI. Different costumes, same clowns."

    Fourteen million members. The same ones the American Hunters and Shooters Association (who?) had.

    Coffee and blueberry scone here. The store I went to would make Tam and her tobacco sit outside, so they're not completely off the hook.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Drang:

    Yeah, the instant Starbucks is great stuff, moreso when you're introduced to it by awakening to the smell as a blonde reaches in your tent and hands you a cup. . .

    Mmmmm. . . the smell of coffee. Second or third best way to wake up. . . (I cannot decide if bacon trumps coffee. . . bacon is the hoksu fusso, but coffee has caffeine. . . )

    wv: "arrouser" "A cup of coffee delivered to your sleeping bag is the arrouser that starts the day right."

  19. At 5pm today about 1/4 to 1/3 of the people sitting in the Williamsport, PA Starbucks were happily chatting away about their particular firearms hobbies. The clerks were downright friendly and cheerful and said that they had served quite a few people earlier in the day who had voiced their support. They also said they had no negative responses from other patrons.

    My schadenfreude gland is going to ache something terrible tomorrow!

  20. A purely symbolic gesture, but many of us who went to Starbucks today paid for our stuff with $2 bills (representative of their support of the 2nd Amendment).

    Don't know if it'll ever get to Corporate, because the bills go straight to a local bank account. But I think Starbuck's got the message - gun owners like them.

    Good for them.

    I'm not like Major Mike. Doesn't bother me at all. The business of Starbuck's is to make money selling things people are willing to pay for, not making political stands.

    I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Constitutionalist, but I'm also a Capitalist. I admire good business sense every bit as much as I admire a principled stand.


  21. In addition, I also wrote a letter to Mr. Schultz, letting him know how much I like his policy, and asking him to extend the same courtesy to all the hard working folks that made him rich.

    Unlike customers, employees are forbidden by company policy to carry on the job. They deserve the right to defend themselves too.

    You can write him at:

    Howard Schultz, Chairman
    Starbucks Coffee Company
    2401 Utah Avenue South
    Seattle, WA 98134


  22. I did my part... In Japan... :-)


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