Monday, February 20, 2012

Bread and Circuses.

I can hear the strains of "I Will Always Love You" wafting from the televisor in the other room. I don't know who has to choke on their last cookie to get zombie Whitney Houston off my TeeWee screen, but I wish they'd hurry up and do it.

I don't know what it is, but there's nothing the media loves better than a dead celebrity (and that goes doubly if the celebrity in question was one of them. Tim Russert wasn't half the household name that Whitney Houston was, but the month of sackcloth and ashes decreed for him was of nearly Michael Jacksonian levels.)

I'm betting that the all-dead-celebrity, all-the-time cable channel has already been pitched to a boardroom someplace. They could call it GhoulTV or, as Bobbi suggested, "Solid Ghouled".

I'm also waiting for the first spotting of a Velvet Elvis portrait of MJ and Whitney side-by-side, busting beatific poses, à la a Byzantine icon, perhaps with Dale Earnhardt and Lady Di at their shoulders and the mighty host of Celeb Heaven gathered behind them...


  1. Were it not for the sackcloth and ashes, the media would be forced to report oh, I don't know, Actual News.

  2. The heavenly velvet painting? You can bet they're working on it. Something like this?

  3. Come now, Dale Earnhardt wouldn't be welcome in that company.
    He was a race-ist.
    (it's not as funny if I have to explain)

  4. You say this like it's not gonna happen?

  5. Toss in Amy Winehouse and they'll recreate the famous James Dean/Marilyn Monroe/Elvis takeoff of the Nighthawk diner pic...

  6. I'd pay cash money for a velvet zombie MJ next to zombie Whitney.

  7. Yep, more proof that we are living in Heinlein's Crazy Years. I'm waiting for the Talking Heads to come on soon and say "Moscow in Flames! Missiles Heading to New York! Film at 11!"

    I'd Buy THAT for a Dollar!

  8. Not sure if it's velvet, but here's something to whet your appetite:

  9. And you could have the Solid Ghouled Dancers as well!

  10. Earnhardt wouldn't be caught dead in that company.

  11. The silver lining to this is, well, she's been sober for a week. Too soon?

  12. Funny how nobody noticed when Poul Anderson died, or Hal Clement.

    Or Joey Dunlop, for that matter. The guy won more Manx TTs than anybody else.

    I will never understand the neurotypical mind, which seems batshit insane to me, frankly speaking here.

  13. @Justthisguy

    John Elder Robison, in his latest book "be different", says he prefers the term "nypical" for neurotypical. Says it seems a more friendly handle for conversation.

  14. Actually there is something they like better than a dead celebrity, and that's a live one who gets involved in a sex/drugs/divorce scandal, any or all of the above. The live one goes on producing revenue, especially with multiple trips to rehab.

  15. Did you ever think you's see the headline;

    Whitney beats Bobby Brown to Death

    What? Too soon?

  16. I used to have a blue vinyl copy of Moody Blue, by that elvis guy.

  17. @ Will: I prefer the word "allistic" as the opposite of "autistic." It describes people who aren't comfortable unless imbedded in a crowd, be said crowd physical or virtual. Buncha monkeys!

  18. @Stretch:

    I'm cleaning cereal off my screen due to your comment. I should know better than to have anything food-wise with me while reading Tam's blog.

  19. Thank you miss Tam, I have not laughed that hard in weeks!


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