Thursday, February 16, 2012

I've got good news and bad news...

The good news: Law abiding citizen apprehends robber who had just roughed up his elderly neighbor!

The bad news: He did it by firing a warning shot into the ground with his chromed Deagle*, that he was Mexican-carrying** AIWB***, which he was happy to demonstrate for the news photogs by whipping it out and busting a pose.

For the jargon-challenged: *Desert Eagle, which he had just **stuffed in his pants without a holster ***up front where it was pointing at things he might need later.


  1. Funny how someone who actually does everything right usually gets crucified by the media, but some moron with more money than brains commits almost every tactical and safety faux-pas in the book gets a positively GUSHING news story.

    From reading the account and watching the video, that guy is damn luck he didnt end up a chalk outline himself or put a damn round through someone when using his weapon as a pointing device during the interview...

  2. Texas...figures...

  3. At least it wasn't a double deagle...

  4. I wouldn't say need because odds are no one is ever going to provide him the opportunity.

    However he would like to retain said package in an unventilated form in which god originally intended... well I would assume anyway.

  5. Tam,

    No post ever, in my entire history of reading posts, has ever had me closer to literally rolling on the floor than this one.

    *Tactical Face Palm* - gad, I love it. The dogs now officially think I'm off my rocker. Seriously, tears in my eyes.

  6. He caught an armed robber--cut the guy some slack. Sheesh. It's nice to know not everybody in this country is a sheep.


  7. My first thought was that it was Gecko45, but this guy wasn't wearing ceramic plates.

  8. Well, at least he kept his booger hook off the bang switch. It's a crying shame he managed to simultaneously break every other safety rule in the book while on camera, though.

    On the gripping hand, I am a bit amazed (and very pleased) that the assistant police chief actually a) acknowledged on camera that they wouldn't have caught the goblin without the intervention of an armed citizen, and b) didn't spout the usual gos-se about "we never encourage someone to intervene" and "you should just be a good witness." (I am, of course, assuming that any MSM outlet worth its salt would have aired such statements if they had been made.)

  9. "***up front where it was pointing at things he might need later"

    -- Let's hope not, as I hope he doesn't breed any gun owners like him. Notice that at 1:26 into that video as he's talking with his pistol like someone would talk with their hands, he's pointing his pistol across the street at a house, and if you look close there's sumdood digging for something in the trunk of their car in the garage. Sven, or whatever his name was, is flagging this individual.

  10. Well we've finally found a use for the Deagle. They may be big, heavy, unreliable, pieces of excrement, but they ARE intimidating when pointed at you.


  11. I've always wanted to own a gold plated deagle with pearl grips ... just to freak people at the range out.

    Not for serious defensive use.

  12. Do Television Cameras nowadays emit some kind of Stupid Ray? Too much Reality TV out there, I think.

  13. There's a lot more positive than negative about this story. Sure, everyone here would have done it all differently. We would have jumped out of bed and pulled on our pants complete with holster and spare mags, wouldn't have put a round in the dirt and wouldn't pull our piece out in front of a camera to demo how we went after Sumdood and waive it about the neighborhood and regale about how we were gonna tackle him like Ray Lewis. (last guy to see Ray Ray with a gat is 6' minus Z axis right now).

    But, there is the fact that nobody who shouldn't have got hurt, Sumdood got arrested and the gun community got a gushing positive story about how an armed citizen with a gun IS A GOOD THING. Complete it seems with the local PD, if not approval, admittance that good guys with guns don't necessarily have a badge.

    Thumbs up, just not enthusiastically.

  14. Rik Melartin, Not On MY Watch!

    I see a whole gun porn action series.

    Please Tam, you got to ghost write it for us!


    Yes I'm still human

  15. "up front where it was pointing at things he might need later."

    I believe we've had this discussion before...

  16. The thought of appendix carry makes me cringe in the same way a certain class of video does. Appendix carry without benefit of a quality holster (and kevlar skivvies) has the sort of effect generally associated with sudden contact with near freezing water on the region in question.


  17. oh gawd, i think i see the next Discovery Channel "reality show".

  18. In Texas, your story is considered bovine by-product unless you actually PRODUCE the weapon and wave it around during the explanation.

  19. I clicked on the link, and started ready the article. The first word was "Houston". I knew right then, this guy was going to be just fine.

    If I pulled this in New Jersey, the video would be of me getting the perp walk.

  20. "If it's stupid but works, it ain't stupid."

    The guy did his civic duty. Period.

    Monday morning quarterbacking's easy. He and his neighbor went home to their families, and the bad guy goes to the hoosegow.

    The Army has a battle drill (I'm not making this up) in it's "Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks" entitled, "React to Media." I think it comes right after "React to Indirect Fire" or "React to Ambush." Not everyone gets trained on how to deal with a Jackal of the Press(tm) in his face, and fewer still remember the training if they do get it.

    As for the "Tactical face palm," are those the same Chinese "Special Forces" you see in parades on Segways? I love those guys - a Hostage Rescue Team that can only rescue people from ADA-compliant facilities!


    P.S. Tam, please check your email

  21. Could be worse. The hammer's down, even if on a loaded chamber, it ain't going off. And he never seems to touch the trigger.

    I don't get the whole "hey look at the stupid monkey on the TeeeVee" thing that's been happening concerning the good guys after an armed confrontation.

  22. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad the scumbag got arrested. What I am saying is that every gun owner should know better than to punctuate their story using the muzzle of their handgun, just like they should know better than to use the muzzle to scratch their head. Pointing out the obvious dumbass attack is not armchair quarterbacking, it has to be done.

  23. I've always wanted to own a gold plated deagle with pearl grips ... just to freak people at the range out.

    My local store has just such an abomination on the shelf. Actually, it's even worse--it's tiger-striped gold plate, with pearl grips.

  24. Odds that the 'warning shot' was an excited ND?

  25. Well, we can't use "This is my rifle...".

    How about:

    "This is my Deagle,
    This is my dongle.
    One to go bango,
    The other to tango."

  26. Wait:

    This is my Deagle,
    This is my dongle.
    One to go bango,
    T'other to tango.

    Now it scans.

  27. I agree it's a net positive, BUT: am lost in speculation over just how much damage a relatively speedy .50 slug could do to the crotchal areas. Not to mention the muzzle blast alone.


  28. My local store has just such an abomination on the shelf. Actually, it's even worse--it's tiger-striped gold plate, with pearl grips.

    Nuke the store from orbit.
    It is the only way to be sure!

  29. Check, please. Somebody call 991.


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