Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Another morning at the dentist.

Stopped for lunch on the way home, reconnoitering a potential future blogmeet joint: 10-01 Food & Drink, located right where the Monon Trail crosses Broad Ripple Avenue. I tried the jalapeno cornbread with fried brie bites and cranberry compote... Oh. My. Gawd. Why have I never thought to fry brie before?

Now that the novocaine's wore off, I think I need a little lie-down. (Plus, my right shoulder hurts. I must have slept funny last night; dreamed about clowns or something...)


  1. I'm due for a lower-left hind-tooth do-over Thursday.

  2. How come every time you post about the dentist it's within a couple days of my next dental appointment?

    Way to up my dental anxiety issues.

    (Glad your recent visit wasn't as bad though. I've visibly shuddered at a few of your posts)

  3. "I must have slept funny last night; dreamed about clowns or something..."

    Nothing funny about that.

    Clown nightmares culminating in waking up with a sore buttstock shoulder, round noses and other bloody red clownbits scattered all about, now *that* would be funny...

    "Take *that* and stick it in your little bang-flag pistols, you evil f'n bastards..."

    Sorry...have I mentioned that I'm not terribly fond of clowns?

  4. I picture someone running away, bobbing and weaving, in big floppy shoes.
    "Squeeze the Wheeze! - Many people like to ya know!"

  5. "...not terribly fond of clowns?..."

    Yeah, neither am I because I think MOST of 'em are elected to Congress and the White House...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  6. Keep smoking, your oral health is only going to get worse.

  7. "Keep smoking"

    Thanks! Believe I will. :)

  8. Odd, I have had only 1 visit in 12 years.

    The dentist insisted on replacing all my old fillings. Apparently views have changed on the need for mercury in filling material.

    No new cavities. Guess that fluoridated water works.

  9. My favorite dentist of all time:

    Dr. Gatling.

  10. Still chuckling over the "bloody red clownbits."


  11. The "Clown Stuff" is minor. Let's talk about the cornbread und brie und cranberry compote! I had to text my son the chef and tell him I haven't had that dammit! Yuuum!

  12. Hopefully those dentists trips are winding down...

  13. Do your clown dreams involve large caliber rifles.....too?

  14. Hurting shoulder? Possibly a reminder of your major get-off of the two wheeled kind?
    I have that problem occasionally as one of several reminders of the time I met a drunk and totaled his '63 Impala with my '71 Norton 750.

    Although, in fairness, I'll admit that I personally assisted (involuntarily, of course) in causing some of that damage...

    wv: calcio. The calcio buildup around the many fractures in my wrist create an interesting x-ray image.

  15. Tam,

    I hear you and feel for you. I'm finally getting the crown for an implant, hopefully this week. It's been five months coming, including a bone graft (fun!) and removal of a previous crown/root canal that lasted six months before cracking. Thanks, Dr. Endodontist, I didn't really need that 1500 bucks and I know you have to make those Mercedes payments.

    Did I mention that dental bone grafts are really fun? At least this time I told my periodontist guy I wanted better drugs than just a local, as in put me to sleep, I don't want to know or feel what you're doing.

  16. Try smiling once in a while


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