Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Herding cats.

Because I wanted to make a note of them, Sebastian on why Libertarians suck at politics and, in a tangentially-related post, the Tireless Agorist notes that anti-authoritarians rarely seek positions of authority.

(H/T for the latter to RX.)


  1. I'm a Bangle Tigger hear me roar.

  2. Yeah, there's a lot of "Vote for Mittens or the Republic Gets It" around this morning. Starting to sound a little desperate and stalky, if you ask me.

  3. That second link could have been written directly about me.

  4. Thanks for the link; glad you found the article worthwhile, and I appreciate the traffic. :) I'm adding you to my blogroll.

  5. Yeah, people who have the base political viewpoint of "you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone" generally don't have any interest in expending time, money, and effort in getting into a position of interfering with people's lives.

    As for me: Meow!

  6. My wookie suit has been hanging in the closet for a while now. Even I couldn't bring myself to run for office. I'd hate begging people for the money, and I'd really be creeped out by a bunch of people at a rally cheering my name.

    When you think about what you have to do to run and win office, it's quite likely that anyone who wants the office that bad probably isn't fit to serve in it.

    One of these days I'd like to see a country that handles serving on the legislature like jury duty. Sometimes I think picking names out of a phone book wouldn't work any worse, and may actually work better.

  7. Hummmpf, I live down south. Yesterday I voted, and was overruled. Rino's win, they have to. I am just glad that the current candidate from the opposition is not a lawyer from Detroit. Might be meaner.

  8. I'm with Sebastian on this: legislators should be chosen like jurors, with set working days and hours, a limited time of service, and a law that you can't lost your job for being absent while serving.

    That should be combined with Heinlein's House of Repeal. Things might be rough for the first few years, but I think that mix would settle down on a pretty good balance between government and freedom.

  9. Just think of it as a process for human species survival. The one's who want to be left alone are swamped by the ones who want you as a slave. The result is the former leaving the place where the graspers are and going someplace horrible. Then they make that place nice and the graspers follow. Repeat rinse repeat.

    Next stop - the Ocean bottom or Antarctica?

  10. Just a couple of hours ago, I left a comment on Sebastian's blog somewhere about a "House of Repeal". I didn't know that Heinlein suggested the same idea somewhere! I'm not completely surprised, though.

    About a year ago, I read some of Alex Panshin's experiences with Heinlein. I concluded that I need to read more of his works...and this only reminds me of that!


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