Monday, March 19, 2012

Overheard at the Gun Show:

Me: "Wow, it's even got the original factory box and instructions!"

RX: *beaming happily* "Yep!"

Me: "They're just going to go crazy over that at this month's meeting of the Star Collector's Association."

RX: *glare*

Teasing, of course. Stars are perfect for inexpensive collecting: There are a bajillion different variants and sub-models and they're reasonably priced. You know, like S&W Hand Ejectors were up until fifteen or so years ago when someone noticed that they were perfect for inexpensive collecting. Speaking of which, priced a Finnish Mosin lately?


  1. [hipster]"I was into [that] before [that] was cool." [/hipster]

  2. There was some outfit offering Stars as C&R recently ... gotta remember which ones ...

    And I still miss the old Star PD in .45 that I had three decades ago. Wish I still had it.

  3. "priced a Finnish Mosin lately?"

    As a matter of fact, yes I have! Attended a large consignment gun auction last weekend, and noticed a 1942 dated Sako M39. It brought over $300, and I think almost $400.

    Prices on the old military guns seemed higher overall. Greasy Turk Mausers or non-descript Lee Enfields were $100 3 or 4 years ago. Now they bring $200 and up. I think people are turning depreciating dollars into appreciating guns. I know I am.


  4. Good thing you're teasing. Fighting talk, and all.

    Have either of you seen Antaris' book(s)? Some gorjuss metal in there.

  5. It's been said of Stars...
    "When they're good, they're very very good, but when they're bad, they're horrid!"

  6. That's a fair assessment Guffaw, my experence with Star's were a Firestar and a Star PD, both worked.

  7. Tried a rental Firestar back when they were new. Ejector broke.

  8. So you're not coming to the H+R/NEF Shotgun Collectors Meeting this Month? We're Having a Guest Speaker. His Topic is "Barn Guns: How to Legally Convert then to Apartment Guns." Sounds Exciting! ; )

  9. I had a Star 9mm. It ran fine.

    Traded it for a Tanfoglio CZ-75, because the alloy frame made it far jumpier than I liked.

    (I have and love a little Llama .380 patterned like a Colt Mustang.

    Related only in that they're one of the trio (Star and Astra being the others) of now-bankrupt Spanish pistol makers.)

  10. LOL, you are just bad Tam :-) And no Mosins for me...

  11. My moisin is a finn.

  12. I love my PD. It's like a 1911, but lighter, and without all that silly nervous safety stuff.

  13. I did pick up a really nice (heh, heh) H&R .32 top-break outside my favorite gun shop the other day. $50.00 to the friend of the widder lady.
    OT Tam -
    When I clicked over to R/X's site from here, there was a comment by a Laura about a .380 Star at her local shop. I couldn't post over there and I'd be REALLY interested in buying it(I'm a closet STAR owner.). Can you pass this along, please? Thanks

  14. Yes, I have; makes me glad I bought that M39 a few years back.


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