Thursday, March 08, 2012

Overheard in the Kitchen:

Musical commentary on recent politics...
"Start spreadin' your legs,
They're coming your way,
They want to get all up into,
Your private parts!
If they can make laws there,
They'll make them anywhere!"


  1. Eh, I think that could be sung in the key of D as well.

    As I've said before, the only difference between the two parties is which side of the cervix they want to regulate.

  2. Sorry, Robb, I guess I'll have to delete that since it'll be too easily misunderstood.

    "R flat" doesn't stand for "Republican", it's an old joke I got from my ex- about my beautiful singing voice, in the key of "R flat".

  3. You and my wife could undoubtedly singe a lovely duet.

    No, I did not misspell the verb. :)

  4. Robb: "...the only difference between the two parties is which side of the cervix they want to regulate."


    And of course I intend to steal it.

  5. [Re: Linda McCartney's backing vocal mike.]

    "I've never heard it, but it is apparently one of the more painful experiences that a sentient being can undergo. Entire songs, written in the key of C, being sung in the key of P sharp major with a demented ninth."

    --stolen from Joe Bidgood, somewhere on Usenet

  6. Damn, you can regulate a cervix? Does it affect point of aim, or point of impact?

  7. This crap is all about diverting attention from the real issues, like unemployment.

    Team Obama must create diversions to be successful this fall.

  8. Tango Juliet,

    Smart people can be pissed off about more than one thing at a time. ;)

  9. Team Obama? I don't think the Virginia legislature needed much help in making fools of themselves....

    And those are the same folks who argue against government-mandated medicine.


  10. Tango Juliet-- and the R's fall for it.

    Every. Dang. Time.

  11. Regulate or Subsidze? Yes! Viagra for Guantanamo too!

  12. Both parties rather discuss our genitalia than our debt or deficit and how we are on the verge of collapse.

  13. Jesus H. Christ! Why do these Idiots do this kind of thing? What's next, Mandatory Burkhas? Free Clean Sheets? A POX on both their Houses!

  14. Is this a perpetuation on the Democratic meme that the Republicans are here to ban your birth control and abortion?

  15. Alcade - Yes, Rick "Sainty" Santorum helped spread the nonsense.

  16. Alcade, what the sheeple don't realize is if they establish the precedent, once they get the votes, some party of Nehemiah Scudder presenting itself as a populist party could ban all that and more, all under the cover of representing the wants of the people.

    It is, however, hard to persuade your ordinary run of the mill leftist of that danger. They are trained to jump to the words of the media who say, "Republican boogeyman!"

  17. You got it Rickn8or! The GOP needs to go on offense. Make The One run on his record.

  18. Dirtcrashr: If it works, regulate it. If it doesn't work, subsidize it.

  19. Tam, could you email me please re: range in April w/Reserve Soldiers?

    kb9wfq AT juno DOT com


  20. Yep, and they don't even have to kiss us either...sigh

  21. " ♫'s up to you, wook-ee, wook-ee!...♪ "


  22. Robb- pure genius, and unfortunately true. Why aren't they rushing out to subsidize vasectomies? Paying that $1300 for the procedure would sure save a lot of government cheese.

  23. John Ritter just rolled in his grave.


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