Friday, March 30, 2012

Overheard in the Office:

Me: "Wait, what? Roseanne Barr tweeted the address of Zimmerman's parents? That's... that's just..."

RX: "No, Spike Lee tweeted..."

Me: "Spike Lee tweeted what he thought was Zimmerman's address. Roseanne tweeted Zimmerman's parents' address."

RX: "You stay classy, Roseanne."

Me: "Y'know, fine. F%$# it. Let's just have that civil war they obviously want so bad. Let's just go 'head and have it right now and get it over with. They don't..."

RX: "You just want a chance to beat Roseanne in the head with a rifle butt."

Me: "No, I..."

RX: "What you don't understand it that the line to do that would be so long that by the time you got there, there'd just be a red smear on the pavement."


  1. I'm willing to wait. Where do I get a number?

  2. The radical left wants a civil war in the same way Izvolsky wanted a war between Russia and Austria-Hungray, i.e. it seems like a good idea, but they haven't really thought through all of the potential consequences and results.

  3. And bear in mind that Alec Baldwin tweeted information on a troll who was harassing Baldwin's GF. Remember the concept of Noblesse Oblige? We need Celeb Oblige in this country, since we have no hereditary aristocracy. The very least we should be able to expect from celebs is that they not publicly shit on the peasantry.

  4. I loathe celebrities. They seem to operate on the assumption that they are adequate.

  5. I hope Zimmerman was renting...

  6. Ah, Roseanne Barr. Desperately clinging for relevance...

  7. You can't beat the stupid out of people like Rosie, no matter how hard you would try.

    God know it would be fun to try.


  8. I bet I wouldn't be ignored if I tweeted Rosanne's address or other personal information.

    The sooner we start this, the sooner we can get it over with.

    wv: henten nationsi

  9. so, they want a shooting match? okee dokee, i can do that. got los of ammo, i do. :)

  10. Shouldn't we be worried that Rosanne has more Followers than Ron Paul got votes in the last 3 Primaries?

  11. Mr. Bubblehead Les.... those aren't so much "followers" as they are an incipient "mob".

    Best way to break a mob is to take out it's leader, y'know?

    Sadly though, you're right on the relative numbers of her mob vs. Mr. Paul's (for whom I have a pretty much zero affinity, and yes, he IS my Congressman in this district.) Ancient Rome proved that "the people" really do prefer bread and circuses, and it hasn't changed to this day.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  12. It's been interesting to see that during my lifetime we've gone from a time when blacks would be lynched with the approval of the political elite to "keep folks in their place" to where whites can get lynched with the approval of the political elites to "keep folks in their place".


  13. Well, her first two strikes (no pun intended) were her butchering of the National Anthem and crappy attempt at mocking baseball at the San Diego Padres game. Her last strike was learning to use Twitter.

    And who doesn't want to beat Hollywood celebrities in the head with a rifle butt? I'd have to go all Edward G. Robinson in "The Ten Commandments" on them. "Where's your Lightbringer NOW?"

  14. ...and Borepatch for the WIN! -

  15. Borepatch:

    As the worm turns, by god if it isn't the very same political elite approving of the lynching...

  16. So what happens when all of this address posting actually results in someone getting hurt?

    Is Roseanne stupid, and thinks that this is all theoretical and not real-world?

    Or is she absolutely evil and truly doesn't care if a few innocent people get hurt as long as she gets her attention for it?

    I can think of no other options than stupid or evil. Can you?

    If Roseanne wants to take the gloves off, then fine, let her and her ilk take the gloves off - I'm glad to go a few rounds with them. But let's leave the innocent elderly people out of it, mmkay?

  17. Borepatch: Of course it's Progress! That's why the Destroyers of Civilization are called "Progressives!"

  18. I understand "a settlement has been reached" with Mr. Lee.

    Shame, that. I'd have liked to see how high a jury of Florida home owners could count...

  19. Roseanne like Rosie O'Donnell, are damaged. I cannot imagine wht life is like in their noggins, and I don't want to. The best punishment they can ever get is to wake up tomorrow and still be their horrible old selves.

  20. The saddening thing about the civil war the radical left wants is this: You can tell from their self-righteous smugness that they fully expect their share of the fighting to be done by others.

    This is doubly disturbing to me. On the one hand, I resent some lily-livered gadfly from Hollywood thinking I and those I lead will do his killing for him; and second, if it came to pass, I hate that I might be called upon to defend my country against some poor 19-year old kid who actually is doing that gadfly's killing for him.


  21. I'd be quite happy for it to remain a Cold War. Things could get real ugly, real fast if things go hot.

  22. This queue is so long if it was "hit her with a wet noodle" she'd be a ketchup stain before Tam got there.

  23. global village idiot - I share the sentiment. I would hate to see my Marine Corps and my Army (yes they are mine) torn apart. I would hate to have to fight young men obeying orders even if those orders are illegal.

    Fighting actual Leftists? That would almost make it worthwhile.

  24. She's riding coach on my "Celebrity Plane Ride of Death" (there is no first class). I just have to wait for Boeing to make an air liner large enough (so close Airbus...).

  25. Yup, "Stay classy, Roseann" was more or less my call there.

    The baffling part is how even someone with her (as shown by long experience) stunted intellectual and moral compass could have thought that was a good idea, either in itself or even as a matter of what the pushback would be.

    You'd think even a cloistered fool like Barr would know that the man's parents have nothing to do with it, aren't public figures, and publishing their address just makes it obvious that she's a giant douchebag.

    But you'd be wrong, I guess.

    (Also, what og said.)

  26. She will only get a clue after the lawsuit and/or settlement.

    Spike Lee has just been clued in by his victim's lawyers.

    As for violence ... they can bring it. Rule of law protects them more than it does me.

  27. Not a red smear. A mud hole.

  28. So, where is the tweet for Spike Lee's home address (The one where he sleeps at night. Not his office)?
    This is Trolling, and I don't mean with the Rapalla and a Boston Whaler.

  29. The sad thing is, the Lefties are actually jonesing for a civil war because they think they could win. (A couple years ago I heard one of them saying, "We have the guns.") Too bad none of them have a clue what to do with a weapon.

  30. If they are going to Tweet Robert Zimmerman's home address, I am going to send him an AK47, 6 magazines (one of which is a 75 round drum), and 1000 rounds of ammunition, via the FFL of his choice. And pay the transfer fee. All this so he, too, can Stand His Ground

    Their move.

  31. I think that the line would be so long, that by the time Tam got there, it would no longer be a line to beat Roseanne in the head with a rifle butt. It would be a line to rinse the stain off the pavement.

  32. The Left is not jonesing for war because they think they could win. They are jonesing for war because whoever "won", America and its ideals would be lost. The elimination of liberty and the principle of individual rights is the Left's end-of-road; they don't care if it's communists or the old religious tyranny that follows, just so long as that historical aberration known as the Enlightenment is gone, root and branch.

    See "nihilism".


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