Tuesday, March 20, 2012

QotD: I Laughed, Then I Cried Edition

Graumagus in comments at Sebastian's:
I’d vote for the guy who runs my local Pizza Hut franchise over Obama: at least that person can form a budget.


  1. I WISH the Pizza Hut Manager was running against Obama instead of what the Republicans have decided to go with.

  2. Stuart the Viking11:40 AM, March 20, 2012

    You wanna cry? I just realized that either one of my ex-wives can budget better than Obama...


  3. That's ok, they just realized their ex-husband can too.

  4. Well, in Obama's defense in this particular case, he has submitted a budget to Congress every year.

    It hasn't been balanced, but he has submitted one.

    The lack of a passed budget is firmly Congress's failing, not the President's.

    (Now, if his had been rubber-stamped, we could blame him for its contents, absolutely. And they'd be blameworthy.

    But the lack of a passed budget? Congress.

    Civics is important!)

  5. Well, as I understand it, the House has passed a budget each year, but the Senate Leadership refuses to allow the budgets to be debated or brought to a vote.
    Thus, Obama can run against a "do nothing congress" and claim "its all the Republican's fault."

  6. I'd vote for a used tampon before I'd vote for Obama. And given that said tampon would need to be at least 35 years old to run, that's sayin' something.

  7. a yella dog in the road. yep.

  8. I'd vote for a bucket of crap before I'd vote for Obama. At least we might get a bucket out of the deal.

  9. I'm sure that said Pizza Hut manager was selected for the job based on a nominal level of competency and proven track record. Not only that, but I'm sure that that manager makes the same pizza for everyone as opposed to just the people who helped get him the job.

    With that said, imagine if job interviews for the average position worked like getting into political office. One would spend the bulk of the time talking about how the other applicants in the waiting room outside spend their time doing awful stuff like eating babies and setting orphanages on fire.

  10. I've always felt like we need more representation for our baby eating orphanage torching brethren.

    I'm sure with some creative jerrymandering and a couple laws allowing ex and current felons to vote we can hit that laudable goal.

    Hell, worked for Carson right?

  11. If I weren't already planning to write in the wookie, I'd write in the Pizza Hut manager.

  12. I'd normally throw in about the R. candidate, but John Kerry--I mean--Mitt Romney probably can make a balanced household budget. No promise it'll carry over to the federal level, of course.

  13. Years ago, Colorado voters had a choice for senator between Joe Coors, rich and successful businessman (and who could obviously do a budget), and Pete Salazar, who failed at running a Dairy Queen down in the San Luis valley. The voters chose Salazar more genuine, ya know), who after a distinguished term or two, moved on to SecInt under Odumbo.


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